Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tonks Tuesday: Snoozefest

Like her big orange brother yesterday, on this Tonks Tuesday, the little calico is so tired that all she can manage to share is a snoozing shot.

Tonks is wishing you all lots of naps today!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

I'm more than ready for autumn and Halloween and all that jazz, which perhaps is why I picked this flashback doodle for today.

Tip of the Day

The next tip in our series on bringing home a new cat or dog is to ensure that you are prepared with all of the supplies needed for bringing home said furbaby. For example, the new furbaby will of course need food and bowls, and also possibly a litter box, litter, a leash, toys, beds, perhaps a product such as Feliway, a collar and ID tag, and so forth. What's more, though, when selecting such supplies, keep in mind the particular furbaby you're introducing into your home. Is it a kitten or puppy, or a geriatric cat or dog, or a furbaby with special needs? In such cases, have on hand food and other items that would best suit the particular kitty or pup. That being said, it is often recommended that you try to slowly transition a new cat or dog to a new food, so as not to disrupt their digestive system with a sudden change in diet. Therefore, it might also be reasonable to purchase at least a small amount of the food they were eating prior to you bringing them home, and transitioning them to a new food over the course of a few days. All in all, as you all surely know, make all necessary considerations and make proper preparations prior to bringing home a new furbaby.


pilch92 said...

Tonks is a cutie. I am ready for Halloween too. :) Great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You look so cozy! I'm getting excited...it won't be long before Halloween hits store shelves!

messymimi said...

thank you, Tonks, I hope I sleep as well tonight as you did today.