Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Adventures with Astrid in the Great Outdoors

Today, pup Astrid wanted to show you all a pretty little path she loves to visit on some of her walks. 

There are always such pretty flowers to see. Not to mention lots of green grass and trees to sniff and on which to pee. That's Astrid's favorite.

We already recently shared a montage of Astrid relieving her bladder in the great outdoors, so we'll go ahead and just kept this post to the pretty scenery. Just know, though, that Astrid partook in plenty of peeing on this path during this walk.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's doodle is a flashback that I created a couple years ago. If you look on the table behind the kitty, there's a handy little knife sitting there. That's because I scribbled this doodle up after seeing a sign somewhere that said, "Coffee. Because murder is wrong." This would more so relate to cocoa or even just chocolate milk for me, as I love those rather than coffee, but the overall idea is still there.

Tip of the Day

In yesterday's tip, we discussed ways to make rugs nonskid, in order to combat the actions of our active furbabies. Inspired by that thought, we'll now be doing a bit of a series on how to potentially decorate your home around your furbaby. After all, those furry cuties rule our lives in every way.

Today's tip is another one about rugs. This time, though, we're first going to mention possibly choosing a rug with a variety of colors, or that has a somewhat busy design on it. One of the primary reasons for this is to help mask dog or cat fur, or even to hide potential stains that might result from sharing your home with a pup or kitty. In this same line of thought, also consider how easy it might be to clean a particular rug before you purchase it.

Another consideration to make when it comes to selecting a rug for a home with furbabies is the rug's height. If a rug is too tall, for example, it might get caught on feet and kicked around more easily, by both you and your furbaby. This is something that does play a role at our house. Hind limb paralyzed Evan requires low rugs, or else his method of ambulation causes him to get caught on the elevated edges of rugs. The result of this includes him traveling around the house with a rug hooked to his legs. We know that not everyone is going to have a paralyzed kitty scooting around their house, but, nonetheless, do take into consideration a rug's height and how it might affect your furbaby.

Yet another consideration to make with rugs is how rugged they are. Consider how much traffic a rug will be getting, not only from humans, but also of course furbabies. Will the rug you're interested in hold up to cat claws, for example? If or as needed, you can even try looking for rugs that are technically for outdoor use, even if the rug will indeed be used indoors. Rugs manufactured for outdoor use are often heavier duty, and so if such a rug works better for your home and is safe for your kitty or pup, this is another route you can go.

Lastly, it's worth it to note that you should always be observant of your pup or kitty's habits around items such as rugs. Did you just get a new puppy who tries to chew on or eat rugs, for example? If so, either refrain from placing rugs, or always watch them around rugs or other similar items, otherwise they might end up with an intestinal blockage. This is just one more reason why it is so important to be observant and aware of your individual kitty or pup's habits and behaviors, and to proceed accordingly. That may very well mean decorating your home to better suit your furbaby.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You have such pretty spots to explore, Astrid!

pilch92 said...

That looks like a nice walk. Cute drawing and great tips. XO

messymimi said...

It does look like a happy walking spot.