Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tonks Tuesday with the Nosy Culprit

It's Tonks Tuesday, so of course the calico herself is here to grace you with her presence.

Do you see that blurry spot slightly on and slightly above Tonks's nose? Want to see how that smudge ended up on the camera lens?

That's how. Honestly, though, isn't Tonks just the cutest culprit you've ever seen? She definitely is, in my totally unbiased opinion.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

For today it's yet another doodle in honor of my summertime desire for autumn and Halloween.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip for taking your cat to the vet is to consider using a pheromone spray, such as Feliway. A synthetic pheromone such as this can potentially have a calming effect for your cat. One idea is to spray the pheromone into your cat's carrier, or onto a blanket placed in your cat's carrier. This could potentially help make the experience of getting into the carrier more calm for your cat, as well as potentially make the car ride and time at the vet a calmer experience. Also consider taking the pheromone spray with you to the vet, where you can spray it in the air in the exam room, or again spray it on a blanket or toy you might have brought along to the vet for your cat. Of course a pheromone spray might not work the same for every cat, but it definitely wouldn't hurt to try it in case it might help your kitty feel calm and soothed.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Awww, just adorable!!!

messymimi said...

Nose kisses because she has to get close to you, right?

pilch92 said...

Tonks is adorable. Cute drawing and great tips. A few of mine need more than that to go to the vet, they need to be drugged. XO