Monday, August 26, 2024

Mysterious Mancat Monday

On this Mancat Monday, Evan admittedly has some poorly lit photos to share. That's really this human's fault, as I failed to adjust the camera's exposure to make up for the summer sun. But, Evan kind of likes how mysterious the lighting makes him look. He also quite likes how much it accentuates his stunning orange fur. So, Evan decided to go ahead and share these photos.

Honestly, the intensity of the sun in these photos is apt enough, as we're back in a heat wave. It's supposed to be nearly 100°F the next couple of days, with full sun making it feel even hotter. Is it autumn yet?

Evan hopes you all get to enjoy some sunshine! Though, he hopes you enjoy it from the comfort of the air conditioning, because it's just plain nasty outside right now. Happy Monday!

Spooky Summertime Doodle of the Day

This week, I'm finally sharing my new spooky summertime doodles. I scribbled one up for each of my furbabies. Today, of course, we have for you Evan's spooky summertime doodle, which is in honor of Evan's endless interest in what I have in any cup or plate I'm holding.

Tip of the Day

We still have some tips all about taking that kitty to the vet. Today's tip is to, if needed, discuss with your veterinarian medications that might help calm a cat who becomes especially anxious, or even aggressive, when it comes time to visit the vet. Some cats simply become reactive when they see a carrier, when they get into a car, when they visit a veterinary office, or when they meet strangers. If you have tried the usual tricks—which of course include leaving the carrier out at all times, using Feliway, using treats to coax and distract, and so forth—yet your kitty still becomes anxious or difficult to handle, then there are some potential sedating medications that could be given when it comes time to visit the vet. Your veterinarian would be able to determine if or which sedatives might work best for your particular kitty, given said kitty's behavior as well as health. So, be upfront and honest with your veterinarian regarding the ease and safety of getting your cat in a carrier and to the vet, and then the two of you can discuss potential options.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I love that doodle! Evan, you look handsome and mysterious :)

pilch92 said...

Evan is cute in any lighting. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

messymimi said...

He looks like a cat of mystery and I hope we all get some Autumn soon.