Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tonks Tuesday Naptime

On this Tonks Tuesday, the calico herself wanted to share her love for one of her many beloved blankets.

Like most kitties, this girl loves her a soft and cozy blankie upon which to nap.

Tonks especially loves when the blanket is straight out of the warm dryer. This sleepy girl wishes you all lots of naps on lots of cozy blankets!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

In honor of Tonks and her beloved blanket, we'll share this flashback doodle of a kitty on another sort of blanket. I scribbled this up a couple years ago after seeing a piece of Halloween decor of a ghostly wraith much like this. The original decor didn't include a kitty, which just seemed wrong to me, and so I added that feline detail.

Tip of the Day

We're in the last stretch of our tips on how to decorate your home around your furbabies. Yesterday's tip involved helping give your kitty or pup a window view by putting a cat tree, couch, or chair beside the window. Today's tip takes this concept in another direction, and involves looking into ways to make your home even more accessible to and traversable by your feline furbabies. For example, there are cat shelves on the market that can be placed along your home's walls, and which can be placed in ways that allow your kitty to not only rest on the shelves, but to also to travel the perimeter of a room by way of those wall shelves. There are plenty of other similar features available on the market as well, including walkways, bridges, ladders, and all sorts of items that can allow your furbaby to travel throughout the house in this fun, unique way. If interested, you could intersperse such wall shelves or walkways throughout the house. Or, if you have the space and ability, you could dedicate one room in the house to this, so that said room is some semblance of a playroom or jungle gym for your kitty. In the wild, cats often travel or sleep on elevated surfaces, such as trees or mountains. That's why many cats enjoy setups such as wall shelves or walkways, as this can mimic the environment of their wild ancestors.


Eastside Cats said...

Tonks knows what she likes!

pilch92 said...

Tonks is a cutie. I like the drawing. And great tips. We have a lot of high spaces for the cats. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Soooooooo cozy!!!

messymimi said...

You have a nice curl technique to your naptime routine!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

There can never be too many soft clothy-stuff ta nap on... Our favrit day is Laundry Day, when TBT dumps out a first warm load 2' high and leaves it there for us ta nap on while he does the 2nd load.