Friday, August 2, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Squeaky Clean Eddy

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I want to try _________.

2. _________ should be an Olympic sport.

3. I'm grateful that _________ while I was growing up.

4. _________ deserves to be more popular.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I want to try baking and building a gingerbread house.
(I attempted a small gingerbread house a couple times as a kid, with very little success. Over the years I've seen some baking shows that have mentioned some techniques on how to create a big, sturdy, festive gingerbread house, and I'd really love to genuinely give it a shot during the Christmas season. And I'd love to do it all from scratch. What's more, I'd also love to bake and build a haunted cookie house for Halloween. I've done this on a very small scale using a chocolate cookie recipe I have, but for both Halloween and Christmas, I'd love to create a cookie house that's big and festive, and that stays standing.)

2. Pilling a cat should be an Olympic sport.
(I know I'm not the only person who cringes at the mere thought of pilling a cat. A number of Evan's current medications are in pill form, but I can crush them and dissolve them in liquid. I'm grateful for that, because even though Evan is overall not a difficult cat to medicate, that's really only the case when the medications are liquids in syringes or transdermals. Like most cats, Evan will fight a pill, and the pill giver, to the death.)

3. I'm grateful that modern technology didn't exist while I was growing up.
(Technology was making advances when I was a kid, but not in the way it does these days. I was born in 1989 and therefore grew up in the 1990s and early 2000s. Smart phones, laptops, and other bits of modern technology were not largely popular until after my primary school years, and I'm grateful for that. I feel like I was in the last generation of kids who spent their evenings and summers outside or reading a book rather than staring at a phone or using some other advanced device. I so rarely see kids playing outside these days, let alone reading a book, and that makes me so sad for kids in this highly technological world.) 

4. Special needs animal adoption deserves to be more popular.
(I know there are plenty of advocates out there for adopting special needs animals. That said, especially given how much my extra special boy Evan inspires me, I always wish there was just a bit more out there for special needs animals and getting those in need in forever homes. Or, at the very least, I wish there was more readily available, extensive education on the topic. I'm not sure I'm making much sense with this answer, but it's what immediately came to my mind, so here it is.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Eddy was all posed for a window photo shoot to share with you all today. Then she decided it was bath time. So, here you go.

Don't mind the blur. Last week was blooper day, but Eddy's happy to snap bloopers any and every day.

Eddy never skips a bath. She's a squeaky clean little lady.

One of Eddy's favorite times to take a bath is after this filthy mom of hers gives her a hug.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

This weekend I'll finally be getting all of my newest doodles scanned and uploaded to share in the weeks ahead here on our blog. A few of them are a sort of summer version of spooky, so while we await those, here's another flashback doodle in that same vein.

Tip of the Day

Can you believe we're still talking about that litter box? Today's tip in our litter box series is to take your own health and safety into consideration when scooping that box. For example, do you have asthma? Or, does dust from the litter box bother you in any way? If so, wear a mask when scooping, or at least be sure to blow your nose as soon as you are finished scooping the litter. Another safety precaution is to wear disposable gloves when scooping the litter box. Extra safety precautions are especially something to take into consideration if you are pregnant or in any way at risk for toxoplasmosis. Another reason to wear gloves when scooping the litter box is if your cat has giardia or any other parasites that can be passed on to you or the other furbabies in your life. Especially if you don't wear gloves when scooping the litter, then of course thoroughly wash your hands after you've finished with the chore. It is of course important to make sure that the litter box is a safe and sanitary place for our kitties, but it's also important to ensure it's the same for ourselves. After all, our kitties depend on us to remain healthy and able to care for them.


pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers- we had the same for 2 and 3. :) I agree about special needs pets. And I can't wait to see your gingerbread creations. Eddy is a cutie. Nice drawing and excellent tips.

Kitties Blue said...

Super cute doodle, and wonderful fill-ins. You and Ellen had the same idea on #2 and #3. Would it be great if #4 would happen. Just looked up and notice that Ellen said what I did. Should have read that first. I end up with a lot of photos like Eddy's as I am often facing the window in the bedroom when I taken them. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Yvonne said...

Great fill ins. Excellent answers. You can never disrupt bathing time. Eddy looks adorable.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable photos! I love watching kitties bathe. I can't even imagine building a gingerbread house from scratch. And I was in grade school when the first Mac computers came out. I hated them, thought it was such a waste of time! Little did I know...LOL

messymimi said...

Pilling a cat is an adventure, even if it isn't a sport.

Eddy, sometimes a girl just has to attend to certain things. You are beautiful.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thinking about your litter box tips. The boxes are next to my workbench, so it is convenient to just lift each one there for scooping. I use an8" plastic plaster-smoother tool to carefully scrape the bottoms. Then the scoop. I have a small wastebasket that I line with a plastic shopping bag.

I use Arm&Hammer "Slide" litter which is very dust-free. Then I wash my hands in the basement laundry tub before touching so much as a doorknob. Then I lift out the bag and tie it tightly before putting it in the trash bin. The handles of the bag are clean.

I do this everyday before making dinner (so I don't forget). And I always have a small bowl of soapy water in the kitchen sink because there is usually raw meat involved in dinner-prep and the bowl reminds me to dip my hands in frequently. So I get 2 hand washings after cleaning the boxes.

And blowing your nose is a good habit too. I have a box of tissues in every room of the house and liquid soap dispensers in several!

I always like your tips, but never thought to comment on them before. Thanks for those!