Friday, August 16, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Adorable Eddy

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I am so not looking forward to _________.

2. _________ is surprisingly delicious.

3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says _________.

4. I would _________ if it meant that I could _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I am so not looking forward to waiting for Evan's next grooming appointment.
(Evan was quite literally just groomed by our vet's groomer, but I'm already dreading the wait for his next one. Evan gets sanitary shaves because he has urinary incontinence. Our vet clinic and their grooming services have been short-staffed lately, and so they haven't been able to get Evan in as often as usual. They've just hired a new groomer and so Evan will soon be able to return to his usual grooming schedule, but even with me bathing Evan at home with an antimicrobial cleaner, the hair growth in between his grooming sessions has allowed enough moisture to build up to give him his first bout of urine scald in over a year. He's all spruced up for now, but his next grooming is a bit far out again. After that one he'll finally be back to the intervals that work best for him. He's never been willing to let me shave him myself, but I'll be doing what I can to prevent more urine scald for my poor boy.)

2. White fish is surprisingly delicious.
(This seems like such a silly answer, and you seafood lovers are probably thinking, "Well, duh." I, however, am not a fan of seafood. My palate just doesn't appreciate it. That said, my mom recently ordered some white fish from a local seafood restaurant. She wanted me to try their white fish with lemon pepper seasoning, so I humored her. And I loved it. It probably helps that I love lemon pepper seasoning itself, but the white fish itself was also just tender and delicious.)

3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says I'd turn back if I were you.
(Forever ago I actually bought a sign that says this, but for some reason I never hung it up. I didn't even think of that sign until after I chose this fill-in. So, this is now my inspiration to hang that oh so welcoming sign.)

4. I would learn pet grooming techniques if it meant that I could groom Evan at home.
(I studied animals sciences in college and used to work at a vet clinic, but I've never learned anything on how to properly groom a cat or dog. I've hardly ever even used an electric razor. While Evan will begrudgingly let me briefly scrub him down with cleaners, he will not let me do anything beyond that. The couple of times I've tried to groom Evan myself at home, he has gotten exceedingly upset. I don't think Evan would ever actually bite me, but the closest he's ever gotten to doing so was when I tried to groom him. When I take him to get groomed by our vet's groomer, though, I'm told he just sits there and lets them do whatever they want to him. If Evan would let me do that for him, I'd even take a class in order to learn how to get him as trimmed and clean as his groomer does.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


I asked Eddy to snap a shot of her pretty face to share with you all today. She agreed, but she looked quite cranky doing so.

At least we can see that adorable snaggletooth and those gorgeous eyes!

Eddy and all of us here wish you a fantastic Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Yesterday I shared a flashback doodle starring Edgar Allan Poe and his tortie Catterina. Today, we have for you one of my other favorite horror authors, that being H.P. Lovecraft. This time, the feline co-star is my own angel Rosie.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip on taking your kitty to the vet is one that we're sure all of you have heard, and that is to get your kitty used to the carrier. The first and foremost way to do this is to keep the carrier out, in sight, and accessible all the time. If the carrier is tucked away, then it very well may simply become a source of fear when it comes out once a year. Keeping it out at all times can help combat this.

What's more, try to make the carrier a place of comfort or fun. For example, place a cozy blanket in the carrier, so that it can perhaps be seen as a place to snooze. You can also place toys in the carrier, as well as treats. Or, you can try to use the carrier as a feeding station, such as by putting one of your kitty's bowls of food in there. These methods can help your cat associate the carrier with things that are cozy, fun, or commonplace, in turn helping it to be seen as less of a threat. All in all, help your kitty get used to the carrier by turning it into a place where good things happen, rather than simply a place where they're occasionally locked up and taken somewhere unfamiliar. Associating the carrier with happy experiences can potentially make vet visits a bit less scary for the kitty in your life.


Yvonne said...

Great fill ins and I love the Eddy pics. Such a cutie!

messymimi said...

Being able to groom our pets ourselves would be a great convenience. As always, they seem to behave better for strangers than for us. Maybe because they know we'll love them anyway, who knows what a stranger might do if they aren't good.

messymimi said...

And thank you for the Eddy fix!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hi Eddy! It's probably best that Evan be groomed by someone else. If you tried forcing it on him it would probably end up hurting your relationship.

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers to the fill-ins. Poor Evan has a tough time. It would be nice if he would let you groom him. I am not a fan of fish. I am impressed that you tried some and liked it, but I am still not convinced. :) Eddy is adorable. Cool drawing and great tips. XO

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Oh, Eddy, you're such an awwdorable kitty, with your beautiful eyes and fang😻 Great answers and insights on the fill-ins. We hope that you can groom Evan yourself one day🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞