Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Adventures with Astrid in Almost Autumn

We're just days away from the official beginning of autumn. Though we're still in a heat wave in which it's usually nearly 90°F during the day here, our mornings are still relatively cool, and there are also other signs. For example, on a recent cool, crisp morning walk, pup Astrid came across some fallen leaves that very much felt autumnal.

That's far from an award-winning shot, but we're still happy to show off this hint of autumn. Astrid seemed very intrigued by the leaves, which was a bit surprising, as sometimes she prefers to hop and skip around fallen leaves rather than walk on them. This time, though, both Astrid and myself were quite excited to see the fallen foliage.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's flashback doodle is an autumnal one, and it stars my angels Rosie and Sammy. Since this is still their birthday month, I wanted to makes sure these childhood reading buddies of mine got more of their doodles shared.

Tip of the Day

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. This is timely, as it's also still the season of hurricanes and other such natural disasters. Given that this month is dedicated to disaster preparedness, we'll be doing a series of tips on this topic. Our first tip in this series is a simple precursor to the more detailed tips that will begin tomorrow. And this tip today is to please realize and understand that if a situation is not safe for you, then it's not safe for your animals. For this reason, please do absolutely everything in your ability to never leave your cats or dogs behind in the event of a disaster. If the only safe option for you is to evacuate, then that is also very likely the only safe option for your furbaby. For this reason, never wait until last minute to consider preparations and plans, as then it might be too late. Always have preparations and plans thought through or ready. We'll start discussing such preparations and plans in more detail tomorrow. For now, though, when it comes to potential disasters, please indeed keep in mind your furbaby's safety in addition to your own.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We've been 85 and 86 for days now! It's horrid. Just noticed some leaves changing today and it was wonderful.

messymimi said...

Like you, we can hardly wait for the temperatures to moderate.