Friday, September 20, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Adorable Eddy

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ is a blog I enjoyed that is no longer there.

2. I won't ever _________ again.

3. I once injured myself while _________.

4. I usually get _________ hours of sleep.

My answers are below in bold, and are of course accompanied by my usual endless rambling. Feel free to skip all the extra words if you're in a hurry. I wouldn't blame you one bit.

1. An artsy name I can't remember is a blog I enjoyed that is no longer there.
(That's obviously not the name of the blog, but I'm sad to say that at this point I can't even remember the name of the blog I'm referring to. Years ago, when I started looking into drawing with art markers, I found a blog run by a woman who created beautiful drawings. Her art was fanciful and just generally gorgeous. I learned a lot and got a lot of inspiration from that blog, but she ultimately stopped blogging and one day the blog disappeared. That was many, many years ago, and now I can't remember the name of the blog. Even so, it was one of the sources for my inspiration to get into pen and marker art.)

2. I won't ever let Evan's enema sit too long again.
(What a weird answer, but it's true. Just this week poor Evan was constipated thanks to his megacolon, and so I prepared an at-home enema for him. Those are comprised of warm water, dish soap, and a bit of lubricant, administered with a giant syringe and a catheter. I had the enema nice and warm so as not to shock his system, but then pup Astrid started vomiting up grass she ate outside and some other furry chaos started happening, and so a few minutes went by before I actually administered Evan's prepared enema. The problem, though, was that the warm water was no longer all that warm, and I believe because of that, Evan vomited for a few minutes after his enema. Maybe that's not why Evan vomited this time, and maybe it'll happen again in the future even with a warm enema since that sort of thing isn't all that natural for the body to experience. But, Evan had never vomited after an enema before, and I felt absolutely terrible. The enema still did its job, but I won't ever again give Evan an enema that isn't warm.)

3. I once injured myself while sleeping.
(I don't have any interesting stories revolving around injuries, as I've never so much as gotten stitches, let alone broken a bone or anything like that. I'm very grateful for that, but all I could think to put here was how I one time woke up with the worst neck pain I've ever felt in my life, after apparently having simply slept wrong. I couldn't move my head side to side for over a week. I guess I could also mention how it was sleeping that also prompted my first ever carpal tunnel syndrome flare, as I suddenly woke up with numb hands and subsequent pain. Obviously it's not sleeping in and of itself that can cause carpal tunnel, but apparently I sleep in ways that crush my hands and thereby worsen carpal tunnel, so it's after sleeping that mine is always the worst. Wearing a hand brace to bed fixes that right up, though.)

4. I usually get unknown hours of sleep.
(I'm terrible at keeping track of my sleep. Not only do I have a habit of falling asleep while watching TV on the couch and wake up there in the middle of the night, but Evan and some of the other kitties also aren't the biggest fans of me sleeping through the night. Sometimes poor Evan is just having a troubled night with his megacolon or something like that, and so I'll be up at certain points of the night with him. I don't know an exact number for the hours I sleep, but I will admit that I'm not good about making sure I get the recommended amount of sleep. Some nights I know I don't get much more than 5 or 6 hours, sometimes less and sometimes more. It's something I working on, sort of.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for Eddy? We hope you've prepared yourself, because today this little lady actually decided to sit still and remind you all just how adorable she is.

Eddy and al of us here wish you a happy Friday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Autumn starts this weekend. I say that as the weather forecast is informing me that it'll still be 90°F this weekend. Even so, we can at least celebrate the change of seasons with a doodle, even if Mother Nature isn't cooperating.

Tip of the Day

We're in the midst of a series of tips for National Disaster Preparedness Month. Yesterday, we discussed preparing emergency supplies or a travel kit, so that you and your furbaby will be ready to handle a disaster, evacuation, and so forth, should the need arise. Today, we're here to remind you to go yet another step further and to have a plan. In other words, in the event of a disaster or other emergency, how and what will you do in order to ensure the safety of both your furbaby and yourself? For example, if you live in an area where disasters might make evacuation a possibility, have a safe a safe destination secured, not only for yourself but for your furbaby as well. Do you know of a motel or hotel, or another similar shelter, where animals are allowed? Or, do you have friends or family where your kitty or pup will be allowed to stay? If necessary, research veterinary offices, boarding facilities, or other similar facilities out of harm's way, where your furbaby could be taken in the case of an emergency.

Emergency plans don't just relate to possible evacuations, though. For example, if you live in an area where tornadoes are a possibility, have a plan for what part of the house both you and your furbabies can safely hunker down. If you don't have a basement, pick a windowless room in the center of the house, for example, and have a plan for getting your kitty or pup there in a hurry. If needed, have leashes, carriers, or other necessary tools ready. Depending on where you live and what your situation is, always think ahead to how you will keep both your furbaby and yourself safe in an emergency situation.

One last comment we'll make on this topic is to, as needed and possible, practice your emergency plans. Make sure that everyone in your home knows the plan, and that everyone will know their part in the action. Doing a trial run or two can never hurt, to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that everything will run as smoothly as possible in an actual emergency.


Yvonne said...

Eddy is so cute. Great answers to the fill ins. I hope you have a great weekend!

Sandee said...

1. I can't think of one off the top of my head, but there are many that is no longer there.
2 I won’t ever bar hop again. In my younger years it was fun. Didn't get drunk, but met up with friends and bar hopped. Mostly into the music.
3. I once injured myself while exercising. Doing sit-ups and hit my head on the floor so hard it almost knocked me out.
4. I usually get 6 to 7 hours of sleep.

Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to Eddy. ♥

messymimi said...

Now I know more about enemas, I'd never realized they should be warm.

Eddy, thank you! You are beautiful.

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers, but I feel bad for poor Evan. Sorry your cats don't let you get much sleep. Ours are pretty good, but I need to spend a while with Dusty in her room during the night when she calls for me. :) Nice shot of Eddy . I like the drawing and your tips are great. Have a nice weekend. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're such a cutie, Eddy! I can't even imagine giving a cat an enema!