Friday, September 27, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Blurry Eddy

Hello, friends! I'm sorry I'm so late today. Evan has had a rough 12 hours or so. He's at the vet right now. Not only is he getting an antibiotic injection for a UTI, but he's also being sedated to have his constipated colon cleared out. The poor boy is on pretty much every medication possible for his megacolon, and despite have a great 2 months from mid-July to mid-September, he and his colon have recently had a rough 2 weeks. The vet and I hope that having the colon manually evacuated will give him a clean slate.

All that to say, I am way late for our Friendly Fill-Ins Challenge. I'm so sorry for that! We still hope you'll join us! My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I have had Covid _________ times.

2. There is no acceptable excuse for _________.

3. I wish _________ lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I _________, but I don't care.

My answers are below in bold. Since I am so late today, my usual rambling will either be short or nonexistent.

1. I have had Covid 2 times.

2. There is no acceptable excuse for abuse.
(I of course have no respect whatsoever for anyone who abuses an animal, but abuse of any kind is vile and inexcusable.)

3. I wish autumn lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I sing to and dance with my kitties and pup, but I don't care.
(All of my cats and the dog have songs specific to them. Some go with their name, some are just silly nonsense. Actually, they're all just silly nonsense, but I'm still going to sing them and do a little jig with my furry babies.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

Today, blooper queen Eddy decided to turn the blur up to a notch above high.

Eddy hopes even a blurry version of her helps brighten your day!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

We're sharing flashback Halloween doodles the next couple of days, since I'm hoping to share all new doodles in October (hopefully) and so the old ones might not get much screen time. I picked today's flashback because this is probably the same level of horror Evan has about his colon cleanse today.

What's more, I'll very likely cuddle Evan on the couch while watching Halloween movies after I bring him home from his traumatic day today.

Tip of the Day

I very much so failed to create a Remember Me Thursday post yesterday, so today tip is going to be to remember the importance of adopting shelter animals, so that they can indeed know the love of a forever home. Even if you are not looking to adopt, you can still spread the word to others about adopting a cat, dog, or other companion animal from a shelter. You can also help by volunteering time and resources to a shelter, as any little bit of assistance can help them adopt out more animals. Lastly, when adopting or spreading the word about animal adoption, please don't forget those animals who are special needs, geriatric, or in any other way often considered less likely to be adopted. Every single cat, dog, and other companion animal deserves the chance to feel comfort and love in a home of their own.


Yvonne said...

Poor Evan. I hope he is doing well. We had the same answers for #1 and #2. I hope you have a great weekend!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Pawsome blooper! And loads of purrs and prayers for precious Evan.

Sandee said...

1. I have had Covid one time.
2. There is no acceptable excuse for being rude.
3. I wish the Christmas spirit lasted all year long.
4. I probably look silly when I dance, but I don’t care.

Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥