Monday, September 16, 2024

Mancat Monday: Evan vs. the Meds

Today, Evan wanted to remind you all about the nonsense he has to put up with every day.

If Evan looks a little disgruntled there, it's because that photo was taken right after his morning meds were forced down his throat. And in his ear. Mornings are when he gets most of his meds, as he gets almost twice as many then as he does in the evenings. This is the kind of nonsense Evan has to put up with every morning:

Evan is not a big fan of getting his medications. Even so, he's such a good boy and lets me administer them. Most go in his mouth, while two go in his ear, one being an antimicrobial cleaner that keeps his deformed ear's suffocated canal from getting infected. All of these meds have been overall working great for him, with the occasional at-home enema needed when his megacolon medications don't quite do the trick. He doesn't enjoy it, but he lets me do it, and that minute or two of administering meds is worth seeing him happy and active and playing and purring and all that wonderful jazz the rest of the time.

Evan and all of us here wish you a happy Monday! Of course, Evan also hopes you all are putting up with far less nonsense than he is during medication time.

Doodle of the Day

I don't see that I ever shared this doodles that I scribbled up honestly months ago, and so here it is. After all, it's more than fitting for today.

Tip of the Day

Today's autumnal tip relates to grooming. As the weather starts to cool in the autumn, your furbaby might begin to grow their winter coat. Especially in double-coated furbabies, such as Persian cats and Husky dogs, you might notice the fur filling out and growing thicker as the weather cools. For this reason, do be sure to help you furbaby groom, such as by brushing them on a daily, or at least nearly daily, basis. If you are unable to groom your cat or dog, and especially if they are prone to mats or hairball issues, then you can consider taking them to a groomer. Some veterinary offices even offer grooming services, so, as needed, you can discuss this with your veterinarian. Regardless of if you do it at home or take your furbaby to a groomer, regularly grooming your kitty or pup can help prevent mats, and can help prevent the ingestion of hairballs, especially in cats. Mats can be uncomfortable and painful, so it's of course ideal to prevent these. It is of course also important to help prevent your furbaby's ingestion of too much hair, not only because this prevents the vomiting of hairballs, but also because, in worst case scenarios, ingestion of too much hair could cause a blockage in the intestinal tract. So, don't forgot about those grooming sessions.


Eastside Cats said...

Oh, Evan!

catladymac said...

Bless Evan for his patience in taking his meds every day - and bless you for your diligence in making sure he gets them every day !

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Such a strong, brave boy! My Angel Tara had a med lineup like that too :( The doodle is adorable!

pilch92 said...

That is a lot of medicine. Poor Evan. I love the drawing of him. He is a sweet boy. My Brody fights me for one pill a day. I could never give him all that. Great tips. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are so good sweet Evan. Our Angel Brian had quite the daily line up of meds too. Take care handsome dude.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lotta meds! Tylan can relate. I wrap his pills in bacon paste and pop them in his mouth. He is decently cooperative about it.

I'm glad Evan is doing well. I always look for updates about him! <3

Fur Everywhere

messymimi said...

Gracious, but he does put up with some stuff. And Dansig the Round thought it was bad to get an insulin shot twice a day.