Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Night Shift on Thankful Thimble Thursday

Welcome to Thursday, friends! You better believe Thimble is ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Just like last week, Thimble is yet again grateful for nighttime cuddles. At any and all hours of the night.

Perhaps because the temperatures are slowly decreasing, especially at nighttime, Thimble has gotten even more cuddly than usual. I love her cuddles so very much, though sometimes I do ask her if maybe she could cuddle me while I'm sleeping. She usually says no. She wants me awake for the cuddles as well. Because she's so cute, I usually just agree and give her lots of cuddles, even if it's 2 o'clock in the morning.

I'd worry Thimble was having symptoms of hyperthyroidism, given how active she sometimes is at night. But, this girl just had her senior bloodwork and all was well with that. She's just a sweet, cuddly, nocturnal little lady.


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I have had Covid _________ times.

2. There is no acceptable excuse for _________.

3. I wish _________ lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I _________, but I don't care.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

If all goes to plan, which is yet to be determined, I hope to share brand new Halloween doodles every day in October. Because of that, I feel compelled to share some of my favorite flashback Halloween doodles over the next couple of day, since they likely won't get shared much or at all in October. So, here's one with a haunted house that I remember took me a relative eternity to draw.

Tip of the Day

Today is the last tip in our disaster preparedness series, and it is one that we have repeated many times, on many different occasions. This tip is to always ensure that your furbaby has some form of identification. We've mentioned this tip many, many times before, we'll gladly say it again. In the unfortunate event that your furbaby becomes separated from you in any form of disaster or emergency, some form of identification could more easily bring them back to you. A collar with an ID tag as well as a microchip are the most common forms of ID for our kitties or pups. In addition to ensuring this identification is on your cat or dog, also make sure that the information is up-to-date. If you have moved addresses or changed phone numbers, for example, make sure this is reflected on your furbaby's identification. No one ever wants to consider being separated from their kitty or pup, but should this happen in an emergency or any event, your furbaby is more likely to find their way back to you if they are wearing some form of identification.


pilch92 said...

Thimble is such a cutie. Glad she is so cuddly. I love the drawing and your tips are excellent. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Kitty cuddles are the best!

messymimi said...

Thimble, it's a great thing to be beautiful, isn't it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are always thankful to see the cutie you sweet Thimble. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!