Wednesday, February 1, 2017

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Don't let that there pouty puppy fool you! She's perfectly happy and ornery when the camera isn't out.

Speaking of ornery, today's art is a tad bit just that. You see, I recently saw a little quip of a quote that made clever use of one of my favorite furry critters — a fox! I felt inspired to turn that ornery little saying into some art, and that's when this happened:

I've made this into a magnet, and so this little fox will be guarding my refrigerator. (We hope this little guy doesn't offend anyone. He really is quite friendly!)

Our Tip of the Day:
Please always be careful when letting your furbabies outside, especially if at night, for long periods of time, and if you live out in the country. Although our kitties and even pups descended from mighty fine predators, they can also be considered prey themselves at times. When outside and exposed to the wilds, our furbabies can be at risk of becoming prey to coyotes, foxes, hawks, and even owls. Smaller animals and those in less than ideal health are of course at highest risk, but that does not mean larger and healthy furbabies are not incapable of finding themselves against predators if left outside. For this reason, especially at night and in the country, please keep a close watch over your furbabies when outside.


Marg said...

Astrid, you don't look the least bit ornery to us Astrid. We love the drawing of the fox. That is one favorite animal of the Moms. Where she used to live, there was a den of foxes and the babies would come out an play every day. You all have a great day.

The Island Cats said...

Astrid, we're not fond of the flashy box either.

What a cute magnet! That fox is adorable guarding the fridge.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Astrid, great way to keep that cute nose of your warm! Such a cute magnet!

meowmeowmans said...

Astrid, we always love seeing you, sweet girl. And that fox magnet is wonderful. We see fox around here every so often ... what beautiful creatures.

pilch92 said...

That is too funny that Astrid pouts for the camera. I LOVE the magnet, very cute fox. I like foxes too, they are so pretty. I even have a sweater with one on it. Excellent tip. Our cats are indoor only, but Spooky was originally an outdoor cat so David was taking him out for walks at the end of his life and there was a hawk that kept flying over.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Aww ... Astrid's so adorable and CLEARLY just misunderstood ;) LOVE the bookmark and the saying too.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Dakota NEVER likes the camera, he just sometimes pretends that he does DakotasDen

Anonymous said...

I love this take of Astrid. I recently took a similar picture of our very serious Stella. She hates the camera, too. Kenzie does not. She has gotten to be so goofy in the ten months since we rescued her. They are so polar opposite, which is why it works, I guess. They are close. HUGS.

Cathy Keisha said...

You're curled up like a cat, Astrid.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Astrid looks like she's pouting :) Your fox is adorable!

The Daily Pip said...

I love that fox and think the text is clever and funny!

We live just outside Chicago and yet, I have seen two coyotes in the last week. They are around even in more urban areas and everyone should definitely be careful with pets.

Marty the Manx said...

Wonderful photo and love the magnet :)