Last week, for the letter A, our poem introduced you to Annie the Astronaut. Today, with the letter B upon us, we have someone else for you to meet.
Bubba the Baker
Bubba is neither doctor nor farmer,
And he could never consider life as a snake charmer.
It is not the life of a librarian that Bubba enjoys,
Though storytime is something he quite often employs.
And, no, his life is not that of a candlestick maker.
Bubba is, instead, a mighty fine baker.
If you find yourself craving a fine pumpkin pie,
Then, lo and behold, Bubba is certainly your guy.
Or perhaps you would rather a slice of chocolate cake?
Well, that’s Bubba’s very favorite thing to bake!
Oh, and don’t forget a peanut butter cookie.
Bubba can whip one up better than any ol’ rookie.
Bubba’s bakery is surely heaven on earth,
After all, his scones bring forth nothing but mirth.
Cupcakes and muffins and pastries galore,
You’ll surely be going back for more and more.
Now, if it’s donuts you seek,
Please, don’t be meek.
Take yourself a dozen,
And then grab another for your cousin.
Strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate glaze,
The options will leave you in a bit of a daze.
Whatever you crave, please help yourself.
Grab any sweet goodie you see on the shelf.
Really, please, for heaven’s sake,
Any and every goodie is yours to take,
For there is nothing that Bubba the Baker cannot bake.
Just like last week, we decided to give Bubba the Baker a little illustration of his own. So, here he is with one of his strawberry donuts:
Now, Thimble says that it's her turn. Thursday is Thimble's day to tell you all what she's been up to. Today, she wanted to show off how she tried to win this mom of hers over with a peace offering.
Thimble thought that, if she showed me that adorable tummy of hers, I wouldn't make her go to the V-E-T today. Unfortunately, though I did snorgle that tummy plenty, Thimble still has to pay a visit to the V-E-T. But, it's simply for a recheck urinalysis, to make sure that the UTI she had a couple weeks back is all gone after her round of antibiotics (which tasted nasty, she wants you to know!).
Thimble is acting her purrfectly usual, happy, and adorable self, and so I have hopes that there will be no signs of infection this time around. Still, we'll let you all know what that stabby ol' doctor says.
My main worry, to be honest, is how Eddy will react to Thimble's return from the V-E-T. Some of you might remember how, last time around, when Thimble came home from her time at the V-E-T, Eddy was not impressed with how Thimble smelled, and so Eddy hissed and growled at her for days and days. Eddy has gotten over it, though, and she and Thimble are back to happy coexistence. And now, I have plans to hopefully keep it that way this time around.
Many of you gave the great suggestion of taking Eddy to the V-E-T with Thimble, to help keep her from reacting as she did before. However, Eddy is about the only furbaby in our entire family with whom this isn't really an option. To put it lightly, getting Eddy in a carrier and traveling with her is a bit of a nightmare. She loathes, and I mean loathes, being confined, and she lets everyone around her know it. She is also terrified of any and all people who are not her momma. I reduce her stress by taking her to the V-E-T only when she absolutely has to go.
So, with the option of taking Eddy along not really an option at all, I've resorted to Plan B. I've wiped pre-vet Thimble down with a blanket in order to transfer her smell to it, and when she returns from the vet I will do my best to clean her of the V-E-T smells, and then wipe her down with her pre-vet blanket in order to transfer her normal smells back onto her. There will also be much Feliway involved. I can only hope this will all help make Eddy accept Thimble this time. If it doesn't, then we'll probably just have a repeat of last time's post-vet week of mayhem, and then be back to normal again.
That all being said, despite her V-E-T visit, Thimble says she is thankful that she is feeling fantastic these days, and that those nasty antibiotics are all gone. She's so thankful for that, she's entering it into Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
We're thankful for the health and happiness of all of our furiends and family as well!
Happy Thursday!
Our Tip of the Day:
Before your furbaby goes in for any veterinary appointments, tests, or procedures, always make sure that you have clear instructions for what is required of you and your furbaby. This way, all things can run as smoothly as possible, with as little stress on you and your furbaby as possible. For example, do you need to bring any stool or other samples? Does your furbaby need to be fasted, such as prior to anesthesia or certain blood tests? If so, how long should the kitty or pup fast? If your furbaby is having a urinalysis performed, can urine be collected at home, or is a sterile collection at the vet's office required? If a sterile collection is needed, is a morning appointment available, so that your furbaby can stay there in the case that their bladder is empty and needs to fill up? Making sure that all such factors are addressed can ensure that your furbaby can be in and out as quickly as possible, without any need for rescheduling or return visits due to misunderstandings. There is no such thing as a stupid question, no matter what anyone tells you, so never hesitate to ask the vet or the staff whatever questions you have.
Hope all works out wif Eddy and Thimble this time.
Oh what a magnificent "ODE TO THE LETTER B" today for Sammy's Poetry Challenge! We think Bubba must be a master of strawberry donuts - we'd like to order a dozen please! We are also hoping Thimble is fine now and that when she gets home Eddy will not be hissy and mean. You have a good plan to address that and we hope it works......thanks for joining in our poetry fun!!!
Hugs, Teddy and Angel Sammy too
That is one terrific poem We will have what ever Bubba wants to make. Thimble, we sure wish you luck at the vet and have our paws crossed for you. And we hope that the towel rubbing works too. Have a fantastic day.
We wonder if Bubba could bake something with nip in it. ;) Good luck to Thimble...and we hope Eddy doesn't react so bad this time.
Thanks for using Bubba as your inspiration. He is a very proud boy. We didn't know he could bake but now we are going to ask for some good baked goods. Thanks.
bubba ...waves two ewe dood N yur total lee poetic self....yur drawing rocks yur poem rocks N we STILL say afturr thiz iz all said N done mom kneadz ta put two gether a book ~~~~~~~
thimble; we haz all 984 pawz crossed yur chex up izza smooth one N yur testz ree sultz come bak aye oh kay....pleez all sew ask yur mom if ya can roll in sum dirt; that'll get rid oh that vet smell ! best fishez ♥♥♥
Great poem and illustration. I think if you put them all together at the end of the a-z, you will have a great children's book. I found a place in Massachusetts that can print them for under $4 a book so if you are interested let me know. I am hoping to self-publish one I wrote about Snowball years ago.
Good luck at the vet Thimble. Your Mom is very smart to have a plan to keep Eddy from being mean to you. Excellent tips too.
Bubba shoyld bake some Welcome Back treats for sweet Thimble! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Paws crossed for Thimble...and Eddy...and you!!! Adorable poem and artwork too :)
We are glad we all generally go to the vet together and smell the same. But sometimes when just one goes, TBT strokes it a lot post-visit and then strokes the other 2 of us. Seems ta werk...
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