Ellen is of course my co-host for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, but she is currently taking a few days off of blogging. She still wished for us to continue on the with the Fill-Ins challenge as usual, though. Ellen did come up with the first two fill-ins this week, and I came up with the second two. In case you missed them yesterday, here they are again:
1. I get to _________ every week.
2. So far, 2019 is _________.
3. I will never tire of _________.
4. Can you believe that _________?
And, here's how I filled in this week's fill-ins:
1. I get to scrub litter boxes every week.
(Now, now, don't be jealous. Then again, most of you probably don't need to be jealous, because you most likely get to do this yourself. After all, if the litter boxes don't get scrubbed down, we all suffer.)
2. So far, 2019 is hectic.
(I really wanted to put something inspiring here, but I'm going to be totally honest and admit that I haven't quite found my footing yet in 2019. One of my goals for this New Year is to better schedule in all of the things that are important to me, and all of my goals for the year, in a manageable fashion. Once things calm down just a tad bit in February, I plan to really work on this. That all being said, though, I feel blessed every single day, including all 25 days so far of 2019.)
3. I will never tire of quality time with my furbabies.
(I came to a realization the other day, when participating in one of kitten Tonks's hours long games of fetch. Sadly, my furbabies will not be with me forever. So, even if their demands for attention may not always seem all that convenient, I better cherish them, and I most certainly will cherish them. I will always carve time out for my furbabies, and I will bask in the quality time I have with them, even if it means setting aside other plans. My furry babies are, after all, the center of my world, a fact that I will never regret for even one second.)
4. Can you believe that there are six cats in my house and only one truly meows?
(Kitten Winky is essentially the only cat in the house who can say anything resembling, "Meow." Evan and Eddy make the most noise, but they pretty much only know how to let out ear-piercing screams. Whether they're happy or angry, it's always a scream. Thimble is pretty much mute, except for her constant purrs and occasional chirps, and that strange noise she makes when she's talking to the wall. Kitten Tonks is also more or less a mute, unless she's making mournful wails when playing with her toys. Oh, and as for Toby, the big boy of the house, he seems only capable of letting out tiny whispers and squeaks completely disproportionate to his size. And if you're wondering about pup Astrid, she is like Thimble and Tonks and is pretty much mute. The primary noise she makes is an incredibly strange one that I can't even really describe. It's something like an inquisitive, "Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?", spoken on repeat, and mostly reserved for when she is excited to meet a new cat.)
Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
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You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below.
Now, who's ready for some bloopers?
Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows host the Pet Photo Fails! Blog Hop on the last Friday of the month, and there's no one better to share some bloopers here on our end than the blooper queen herself.
Blooper queen Eddy, and all of us here, wish you a fantastic Friday!
Our Tip of the Day:
One more note we want to make regards none other than mice. This time of year, mice might find ways to enter our homes, garages, sheds, and so forth, in search of a warm place to stay. What's more, mice can carry parasites such as fleas, tapeworms, and roundworms. This means, especially if your furbaby gets near or even eats a mouse inside the home, or anywhere else, they are at risk such parasites. This is yet another reason to keep up with parasite prevention for your furbaby, no matter what time of year it is.
Adorable bloopers Eddy!
I meow (and scream and yowl) a LOT. Angelique does a very high-pitched mew. Crockett is mostly quiet and occasionally does a raspy-ish meow.
I'm afraid instead of meowing I'm a "squeaker".....Mom says I have a "little girl voice"....high pitched and more like a little whine. But she loves whatever noises I make so I'm "good". We find 2019 to be a little strange so far but we hope things settle down and we get our rhythm soon. We are sad that Miss Ellen lost another kitty but we also know that Angel Sammy and many others welcomed her to the Bridge.....she is not alone.
Hugs, Teddy
Thanks for sharing the mews about Ellen's furbaby. I'm saddened for her loss. I'll be sure to say a prayer for her.
I will try to not get too jealous over your litterbox cleaning because I so NOT want to do that job. lol I remember those days all too well. It's a royal pain but it definitely has to be done for many reasons. 2019 is proving to be a bit hectic for me, too. I like keeping busy but chaos is another matter.
Thanks for hosting FF. Have a funtastic weekend!
We like your answers a lot.
That's so heartbreaking about Tallulah :(
We will visit Ellen and say our condolences.
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
There are all kinds of meows here. Most of the time, I can tell who it is. Your bloopers are great. Have a fine day.
So sad about Ellen's kitty. I hate it when they leave us.
I love all the questions today. What a fun meme.
I've never had loud kitties. They would meow, but very quietly.
Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥
Have a great Friday, too. We get a fair few dark fails ourselves, or the opposite when Mrs H has shot into the light so I look like I have global apocalypse going on behind me. Which given the lack of UK sun, really is an amazing feat! MOL
Toodle pips
Fun fact about your six cats. :)
We are so sad about Angel Tallulah, and want to give Ellen a big hug! I thought that I had Photo Friday Fails in my calendar, but it's not, but I'll be sure to join next month! On work days, it's hard to spend enough time with three cat families, so I sit with The 'O' Cats after my walk for as long as I can, then after getting ready for bed, I sit with Angel for awhile. Da Boyz get my attention in the morning, between breakfast and dressing for work.
I'm gonna have TW reread #3 over and over again. She says I'd play 24/7 if she let me. What's wrong with that? I won't play unless it's inneractive and she's playing with me. I won't be around forever.
I started to get even vocal the past year. TW thinks I'm getting senile like her cos of my increased vocalization. I'll start with a low meow and work up to a gutter cat YOWL!
Whenever we have a pic like the first blooper, I use it as a so-called selfie. HAH!
You know, even though we have some frigid days, I really don't think it gets cold enough to kill fleas around here no more.
Pawsome bloopers and answers (#4 is so interesting!) Your art for Miss Ellen is just beautiful. I know she will cherish it.
We have a couple of meowers, a couple of trillers, and some that are mostly silent, too.
Great bloopers, Eddy is so cute!
It's funny ... I thought Bear was talkative until we got Yellie ... err ... Ellie ;)
We all meow a bit, but are all a bit differnt. Ayla is most talkative...
Thank you for honoring Tallulah and for the kind words you left on my blog. Great fill-in answers. I agree it is good to spend time with our kitties because they are never with us long enough. Most of my cats are quiet, Millie likes to caterwaul a lot though. Beautiful drawing and adorable blooper photos. And excellent tips. Thank you for still having the fill-ins. XO
I don't know that any of the three in this house actually meow. Boba, the girl, is the only one that is normally vocal. The two boys, Tiglet and Drac, say something from time-to-time but that is unusual. Have a blessed week.
Tallulah was a beautiful kitty. Your image with the angel wings is just so sweet.
Better time management and scheduling is something that I need to work on, too. Good luck to you with that!
Our Boba is a very talkative kitty. I don't think we've ever had one this talkative. I wish that I could understand what she's trying to tell me. Tiglet and Drac talk sometimes, but not often.
Those are great bloopers! I have a phone full of them myself. haha
Have a blessed week. :)
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