Friday, January 11, 2019

Friendly Fill-Ins

It's Friday! Do you know what means? The weekend! Do you know what else Friday means? The Friendly Fill-Ins! In case you missed them yesterday, I'll share the fill-in statements again here. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. Better to be _________ than _________.

2. Don't _________ just because _________.

3. You couldn't pay me to _________.

4. _________ is my comfort food.

Here's how I filled in the fill-ins!

1. Better to be kind than to be right.
(I certainly didn't coin this phrase, as I've heard it before and completely agree. I've known and met people who would do anything they can to prove themselves right, even at the expense of others and others' feelings. I don't think this is worth it. Life is too short to spend it trying to prove yourself right at any cost.)

2. Don't fit a mold just because others do.
(The world would be such a bland place if everyone fit into the same mold. One of my pet peeves—or perhaps non-pet peeves—is when a huge population of the world thinks they all have to wear the same style of clothes or hair, or own the same size of house or car, or sport the same fancy phone, or anything of that sort, in order to fit in. Who cares what others are doing or how they're living their lives? You only have one life to live, so you might as well make it your own. I think Oscar Wilde knew exactly what he was talking about when he said, "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." Can you tell that I'm very passionate about this topic?)

3. You couldn't pay me to abandon one of my furbabies.
(Though I don't know other people's circumstances or life happenings, it will always boggle my mind when I hear of someone taking their pet to a shelter to surrender it, or just outright abandoning their kitty or pup. I have been hearing more and more sad and sickening stories of people abandoning or surrendering cats and dogs. Why? How? There is no sum of money, and no life circumstance, that would even make me consider voluntarily or in my right mind abandoning my furry babies. Can you tell this is another topic about which I am very passionate? I'm certain I'm not the only here who is.)

4. Chocolate is my comfort food.
(Need I say more? Then again, there's also peanut butter and caramel.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix?

Though the lighting and overall quality of these images aren't anything to write home about, I still love these pictures of Eddy. I don't often have my camera at the ready when Eddy pins my legs down when cuddling in bed, but the other night I did, and so I snapped these photos of her resting while holding me hostage. I love when Eddy wants to cuddle.

Though skittish and afraid of essentially every human being, general living creature, loud noise, and all that jazz, Eddy is a huge momma's girl. I don't know how normal or abnormal of a statement this is to make, but there's something incredibly honoring about being the single most important thing in an animal's life. Perhaps because I am the only human being that Eddy likes, I feel she and I have a very special bond.

We hope you all have a Friday filled with fun, friends, and family!

Our Doodle of the Day:

The other day we started sharing doodles in a series inspired by one of my favorite instrumental Christmas/winter songs, that being "Wizards in Winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Here is the newest installment:

We had ourselves an unseasonable 60°F Christmas Day. Now, this weekend, we're finally expecting some snow. This doodle seemed more or less accurate for the occasion.

Our Tip of the Day:

We are continuing our tips relating to ferals and other outdoor cats in the cold winter months. Today's tip is a more general one, and relates to the fact that animals seek out warm places to sleep when it is cold outside. For example, cats and kittens, and other small animals, might climb up under the hood of a car that has recently been driven, since the engine will be warm. For this reason, especially when it is cold outside, honk, clap, or tap on your car's hood before starting it. This will give a warning to any animals who might have sought shelter there, and will give them time to find safety elsewhere. It is of course perfectly possible that no animals will be sleeping under the hood of your car, but in case a cat or other animal is, making noise before you start your will help ensure that they get out of harm's way.


messymimi said...

Being kind is most important, unless the person who is wrong is going to be in danger of life or limb from it. (E.G, when Sweetie says he thinks this is not a one way street and i know it is, and he's going to be going the wrong way!). Sort of like never shouting at each other unless the house is on fire.

Having worked in rescue for so many years, i can tell you there are heartbreaking circumstances in which people do have to rehome pets. Most of the time i feel like it's on a whim, but there have been many cases where i understand, the most recent being the lady who wanted to see her beloved cats in a new home before she went into hospice and she was no longer able to keep an eye on the situation.

Cathy Kennedy said...


Yes, it's always better to be kind and I'm with you on these crazy fads. My kids will say I'm being me, unique, and individual yet they look like everyone else. How's that being different? It's not but that's what they're told therefore it must be so, right? Nope, wrong! Stop being a dunderhead!

Cute sketch! Thanks for hosting and have a good weekend!

Yvonne said...

Great answers as always. I agree with #3. So very sad when that happens.

I almost picked chocolate for my comfort food, but ended up going with pizza.

Hope you have a great weekend!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

stoppin bye with sum best fishez N new yeerz wizhes two everee one ..hope yur 2019 is most happee N healthee ! ☺☺♥♥

Elizabeth said...

GREAT fill-ins.

Love your #1.

Thanks for sharing.

Sandee said...

Love your fill-ins. I couldn't agree more.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

Eddy is a sweetie, and you are lucky to be her particular friend! Obviously, The PO'M is that way with me; our souls are linked, I think!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those pictures are beautiful! I couldn't agree more with you more on #3. I cannot think of a single circumstance that would make me consider giving up a pet, even to a local shelter where I knew they would be safe. Adopting is a lifetime commitment, period.

pilch92 said...

I love all your answers! I am mad that I didn't think of that for #3 because I also can't understand why people give up their pets. I think the lamest excuse is allergies. Even if I had hives every day, I wouldn't part with my babies.
#1 is very true. Chocolate is very comforting :)
Eddy is adorable. These are great, clear shots of her too. Cute drawing too. I would like some snow, we got the cold , but not the snow. Excellent tips too. Have a great weekend! XO

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Pink is definitely Eddy's color! Those pictures are stunning. I'm with you on the kind vs right thing. The Boy doesn't agree and it makes me sad. Any time you fight with someone you love, it's a zero sum game. And winning means someone loses and that's just wrong to me.

Cathy Keisha said...

Oscar Wilde said that? I always thought Yogi Berra said it but I' sure you're probably right and I'd rather be nice than right. Na mean?
People abandoning cats is a personal pet peeve. I hate when rescues give cats away because if you can't afford an adoption fee, you cam't afford a cat.
Eddy's in focus! She's so pretty.

Kitties Blue said...

Eddy appears to not have been too keen on you taking her photo, but the bond you have sounds purrfect. Great completions to the fill-ins. I agree with all of them. I particularly enjoyed today's doodle. Hugs, Janet

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

@at Cathy Keisha: Yogi Berra said almost everything. Even the stuff he didn't say. As he once said "I never said half the things I said". We consider him an honorary cat...

Igor Konovalov said...

I had a pleasure to read your answers! Especially #1.
And the cute cat, I like it!

Pam and Teddy said...

Love all your fill-ins but most especially #2 and #3....I am ME and not what someone else wants me to be, thinks I can be but what I am comfortable being. And I could never abandon a pet - no matter what. Once I become the caretaker - it's a lifetime of being just that.

Love the Eddy photos too!

Hugs, Pam

Suzanne McClendon said...

All of your answers are great. About fitting in a mold, no danger of me doing that. For one, I'm a freak, a weirdo. In addition to that, I'm a BIG one, so I wouldn't fit into any mold anyway. haha

It is true, we never fully know another's circumstances and how heartbreaking it may be for them to have to surrender their furbaby. Maybe, like with human babies being put up for adoption, their humans feel they can no longer take care of them (health or financial reasons) and that they will have a better chance at a good life in another home. It is sad no matter the reason, humans or furbabies.

Your "Wizards in Winter" series of doodles is great. I love all of your doodles. :)

We have lots of experience with kitties climbing into the engine area of our car. The thought of what could potentially happen is very upsetting. Unlike the bigger cars, ours is very compact in there and it is very hard to reach their favorite places to go. We have to plan ahead during cold weather so that we can get them out of there. I wonder if setting up little microfiber blanket "forts" around the carport area might help prevent them going into the car? It might be worth doing.

Have a blessed weekend!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

Too often the mold people try to fit in is wrong for them. When we try to "Go along to get along", we risk "Group Think" like what happened in Nazi Germany. You are right not trying to fit any a mold. Have a blessed day.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Mum loves chocolate too!

Purrs xx