On Thursdays, I indeed do usually participate in Angel Sammy's Thoroughly Poetic Thursday challenge. As I have done for the past couple of Aprils, though, I'll be sharing my poems on Sundays instead. That's largely because I also participate in the A to Z Challenge every April, and this challenge has a small weekly hiatus on Sundays. So, to keep our Thursday posts a bit less busy, I'll wait to share my weekly poems on Sundays during April.
Now, let's give a bit of thanks as part of Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
As always, Thimble is here to offer some gratitude.
Thimble probably looks a tad bit annoyed in this photo. That's because she is, but she's also grateful. Our roof is still being worked on, and though Thimble is a brave girl and doesn't hide from the noise, it still mildly irritates her. That said, Thimble is grateful we'll have a brand new roof over our heads, and she's also thankful that the workers are almost done. Oh, and Thimble is of course excited and thankful to now get into the April
A to Z Challenge!

In case you missed the post when we announced our A to Z Challenge theme, we'll mention it again now. As we've already mentioned, our theme is weird, wacky, and very likely not everyone's cup of tea. But, it's a theme that makes me very happy and excited. Getting to the point, our theme relates to the fact that April is more or less halfway to Halloween, or what I've also seen online referred to as Halfoween. I figured, if we can have Christmas in July, then surely why not Halfoween in April? I'm a huge fan of Halloween and all things spooky, macabre, gothic, and you get the idea, so I've been enjoying scribbling up A to Z Halfoween doodles for this month. All of our doodles will be sort of spooky springtime doodles, in springtime settings but with Halloween details determined by that day's letter of the alphabet.
Now that we've rambled on, what do we have today for the letter A? We have All Hallows' Eve...in April!
As has been the case for many past April A to Z Challenges, my calico angel Rosie will be starring in all of our alphabetical doodles. Doodled up Rosie may not look thrilled about this spooky month, but I'm happy to have her here with us!
Last but not least, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My co-host Ellen of
15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.
1. _________ is such an inconvenience.
2. My favorite part of the Easter (or Passover) meal is _________.
3. I would like to find an Easter egg filled with _________.
4. For me, _________ is a deal-breaker.
We'll see you tomorrow, friends!
Tip of the Day
For the month of April, each day we're going to give tips or bits of trivia that relate to that day's content. Most of the time, this means that this month's tips or trivia will in some way relate to the A to Z Challenge letter and the related doodle of the day. That being said, today's tip actually doesn't relate directly to the letter A or the Halloween aspect of today's doodle. It actually relates to the flowers in the doodle. Pretty much all of our spooky springtime doodles will star flowers in a way. After all, it's spring. I never know whether the flowers I draw are more like roses or carnations, so how about a little tip on both types of these flowers?
Let's start with roses. Are roses safe for our furry friends? Ore are they toxic to cats and dogs? Generally speaking, roses are not toxic to cats and dogs. That being said, roses can pose some danger because of their thorns, which of course can cause injury if a kitty or pup gets a little too curious about a rose plant. So, to prevent accidental injuries, of course try to keep your cats and dogs from away from those rose thorns. Next up, what about carnations? Carnations indeed are mildly toxic to cats and dogs. If ingested, carnations can cause some gastrointestinal upset as well as potential dermatological issues. For this reason, to prevent even a mild toxicity, don't grow or keep carnations where your kitty or pup can reach them.
Thimble, our roofer dude begged off today, because of the SNOW!
He'll be here on Monday, and if The Hubby likes what he sees, we'll have that overhead noise here soon too.
Whispers: it's good that Sweetie is hard of hearing...!
What a brave kitty you are Thimble! We had our roof done last summer and it is a trial on both kitties and peeps - all that banging.
Thimble is a cutie. Great start to The A-z, I like the drawing and the tips are excellent too.
Thimble, we hope that your roof will be completed soon and so you will be able to enjoy peace and quiet soon. Thanks for sharing the cute doodle. Have a great day.
World of Animals Rittenhouse
Christmas in July is the best part of July IMO so Halloween in April sounds just purrfect to me!
Howling in April for Halloween sounds like a fun theme, and i hope those roofers are done soon!
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