Friday, July 9, 2021

Friendly Fill-Ins

It's Friday! Who else is relieved? And who else is ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge? If you'd like to have some fill-in fun, feel free to join us! My co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. A memory I have of _________ is _________.

2. I always complain about _________.

3. I have a lot in common with _________.

4. Right now I'm _________, but I'd rather be _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. A memory I have of my childhood dogs is playing the game Pretty Pretty Princess with them.
(I feel like I've mentioned this here before. I'll mention it again. When I was growing up, my sister had a board game called Pretty Pretty Princess. Throughout the game, you had to earn different princessy accessories, all the way from gaudy rings to bulky bracelets to a really uncomfortable crown. This game was not my favorite, at all. But, when my sister wanted to play it, I would play along because our dogs would also play with us. My childhood oversized Shetland Sheepdog named Shellie wasn't all that into it, but our Australian Shepherd named Banjo would let us dress him in all the princess accessories. All of them, even the really uncomfortable rings and the crown. I loved playing Pretty Pretty Princess with Banjo, as well as with the less enthusiastic Shellie whenever she would participate. Childhood kitties Rosie and Sammy would not play Pretty Pretty Princess, and that's totally okay. I don't blame them. I barely even wanted to play it.)

2. I always complain about the summer heat and humidity.
(Because I loathe it. I know I've already asked this recently, but is it autumn yet? Please tell me it is.)

3. I have a lot in common with my tabby girl Eddy.
(My skittish Eddy is a recluse, a voluntary loner. She doesn't like most social interaction, not with her own kind and not with other kinds. There are very few individuals in this world that she likes. As in, there are two. She likes me and orange tabby boy Evan. That's it. I feel like Eddy is my cat I relate to the most, while my sweet girl Thimble is the kitty who is the polar opposite of me. Whereas Eddy and I are essentially antisocial recluses, and contentedly so, Thimble is the happy and bubbly gal who wants to meet everyone. Literally everyone. If you have a pulse and enter our home, Thimble wants to be your friend. Even if you don't have a pulse, she'd still probably be your friend. I absolutely adore and admire my girl Thimble, and both Eddy and I could learn a lot from her.)

4. Right now I'm about to take pup Astrid for a walk, but I'd rather be staying in my air conditioned house.
(Don't get me wrong. I love walking my pup Astrid. That said, I love it more when it's not hot and humid and when it's not what you might call summer. Astrid also prefers when it's not so disgusting outside. Have I already complained about summer today? Oh, I have? My apologies.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


For your Eddy fix today, you get to see the recluse tabby girl reclusing into the dark depths of a paper bag on my her bed.

Can you see Eddy through all those shadows?

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Yesterday's pet parenting hack was about using shower caddies or other similar shelving units to save on floor space when storing pet supplies. Do you know what other shower item could be of use for the furbabies in your life? A shower cap! For example, if your furbaby is in need of a bath and will allow for it, a shower cap could be used on their head to protect their ears from water and potential resulting ear infections. That's not all a shower cap could be handy for, though. A shower cap could even be kept in your car or in your pocket when traveling, and could be used as a makeshift water bowl for your furbaby. If you think outside the box, there are a great many daily items that could be used to benefit our furbabies. Of course, never forget to take into consideration whether certain items are truly safe for your furbaby, and to then proceed accordingly.


Elza Reads said...

We used to play dress-up with our Siamese cat when we were small. Can you believe that? She was quite keen on playing with. Didn't like the dresses, but she didn't complain about being pushed around in the pram. LOL.

It's dreadfully cold here today! My hands are freezing as I'm typing here. Need to go and do a few other things today to get my blood warm today!

Hope you will have a wonderful weekend.

Lots of love,

Elza Reads

Yvonne said...

Another great fill in week. Eddy is just so beautiful. Have a great weekend!

The Florida Furkids said...

Great Fill-ins. Mom prefers the A/C right now too.

The Florida Furkids

pilch92 said...

Great answers. I can relate to Eddy too. :) That game sounds like something my great nieces would love. I bet Joanie would play too. That is an adorable shot of Eddy and a cute drawing. Excellent tips too. Have a nice weekend. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

LOL about Thimble's bubbliness. Mudpie is much the same way. She's happier with visitors than I am!!!

Eastside Cats said...

I hate winter more than I hate humidity and heat, so I try to mess with my own head about this...

Cathy Keisha said...

TW and I are like Eddy. We like to be alone. TW used to be social but grew out of it and prefers to be home with me.

messymimi said...

Eddy plays a great game of peek-a-boo.

Summer is difficult for so many of us. Excess heat gets me down, too.

When my kids were at home, we would bottle raise orphaned kittens and help tame down the slightly feral older ones the shelter got. My girls would dress the kittens up in doll clothes and play tea party with them. Once they did that, most of the kittens just gave up on being slightly wild, i guess they figured nothing worse could ever happen to them after that!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Supurr fill-ins and we don't like the heat much either, a nice ambient temperature is all we need! Happy weekend sweeties! X

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

1. A memory I have of Iza is dedicated affection.

2. I always complain about weather. I want it in the low 70s and 1" of scheduled 1" 2x a week.

3. I have a lot in common with cats, but not what most people think.

4. Right now I'm finishing the Fall Garden planting, but I'd rather be harvesting something.