Sunday, July 25, 2021

Merry Christmas in July!

It's Christmas in July! Is that truly a real thing? I don't know, but here we are. To celebrate this confusing day, Evan is sharing a selfie from when he snoopervised me scribbling up the Christmas in July doodle we shared with our equally Christmas in July poem on Thursday. See?

As for today, we have a completely different Christmas in July doodle to share. Want to see it? Even if you don't want to see it, here it is anyway.

Merry Christmas in July, friends!

Tip of the Day

We're still in the midst of our series of tips on the topic of litter boxes. Today's tip in this realm of things is one that we might not always think on too much, and that's the litter scoop. You'd think a scoop is a scoop, but sometimes one scoop simply might work better than another. Depending on the type of litter you use, your particular furbaby's litter box habits, and other such factors, be sure to select a litter scoop that removes as much of the piles of urine, feces, and affected litter as possible. If too much of these bits of debris are left behind when you scoop, that can lead to lingering smells and less sanitary conditions. This could in turn mean that the litter box will need to be cleaned more frequently than might be expected. For the above reasons, when selecting a litter scoop, consider factors such as the number and spacing of the grates on the scoop.

In addition, you also might want to consider the material out of which the scoop is made. If there's a chance your litter scoop might get bunged up, for example, perhaps go for a metal scoop. This is because plastic scoops are far more likely to end up with scratches on their surface, and such scratches could harbor microbes, especially when used in an environment such as that of a litter box. So, don't forget to give even that scoop a bit of extra consideration and attention. Every little detail could potentially affect our kitties and their health and happiness, and that even includes the litter scoop, which helps keep that litter box as clean and sanitary as possible.


The Island Cats said...

What an adorable doodle! The mom says everybuddy should leave out at least one Christmas thing all year an ornament or the Spirit of Christmas is felt every day. ~Ernie

Timmy Tomcat said...

That Doodle made us smile! It was super. Great selfie too friends

meowmeowmans said...

We love your Christmas in July doodle! The pineapple made us laugh! :)

Nice selfie, Evan. Merry Christmas!

Catscue said...

Cute doodle with the palm trees - Merry Christmas in July!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Love the doodle, it is so wintery here it fits right in. The pineapple really made me laugh though!!!

pilch92 said...

That came out great, so festive. Excellent tips too.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That is SO adorable! And what a good little snoopervisor you are.

Valentine said...

That doodle could be your holiday card for Santa, and furiends, too!

Mom uses a metal scoop to clean mine and my sisfurs boxes. She used to use plastic ones, but the handles would break off.

messymimi said...

That's a fun doodle, i love the watermelon shaped like a tree!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT Here: Because as odd as this may sound, I never realized you actually DREW the doodles on paper and colored everything in! Just goes to show how much we assume any graphic on a computer was MADE on the computer. Since I have little skill with drawings on paper OR graphics on the computer, I hadn't thought about that before, LOL!

Good tips on the litterbox scoops. I have 2 metal scoops and one plastic one. And a plaster spreader. The plastic scoop is standard as is one of the metal ones. The other metal one has a long telescoping handle for days when bending down is awkward.

Sometimes, I can pick the boxes up to the workbench and that's when the plaster spreader is great. It's "almost" as wide as the litterbox and I can really scrape the edges and bottom with it. Then the plastic scoop cleans best.

I do clean them sometimes, but never thought about microbes in scratches.

cat9984 said...

Totally adorable doodle and picture