Monday, December 5, 2022

Merry Mancat Monday

Evan's has lots of festive photos coming up over the next couple of weeks starring him getting cozy under the Christmas tree. So, today, he thought he'd show you how he first gets situated in his bed there.

Evan loves to both chew on and rub against the tree branches, which he's doing in that there photo above. The tree is artificial and plastic, but he doesn't seem to mind.

Of course, you also have to sniff the bed to make sure no one else has used it. Oh, and can you see Evan's spiffy backend hairdo? He's quite proud of it.

Have a merry Monday, friends!


Festive Flashback Doodle of the Day

Our current, very amateur blog header is from a Dickensian Christmas series of doodles I scribbled up a couple of years ago. So, now why not another one from that same series?

Tip of the Day

Our last Christmas tree tip relates to real trees and how they might affect your furbaby. If you have a real tree, be cautious of letting your kitty or pup drink from any accessible water in the tree stand. It is possible that certain chemicals, such as fertilizers or even pesticides, are used in some tree lots. Some of these chemicals can then end up in the water that the tree is resting in, and this can potentially lead to toxic side effects for your furbaby. Another concern relates to stagnant water in the tree stand, which can harbor potentially harmful bacteria. In addition, be careful of pine needles falling from real trees, and even artificial trees, for that matter. These needles are pointy and sharp, and if consumed this can potentially lead to internal damage. So, keep that tree water covered or somehow out of reach, and keep those fallen pine needles cleaned up, so that your furbaby and the Christmas tree can live in harmony.


Eastside Cats said...

Evan, enjoy your chews!

pilch92 said...

Cute shots of Evan. I like your header and the drawing. Not amateurish at all. Great tips too. I am hoping chewing on fake ones is OK because Rusty won't stop.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're so cute, Evan!

messymimi said...

Evan, that looks like the best place in the house for a good, long nap.