Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Mancat Monday and Tonks Tuesday Mashup

Hello, friends! We certainly didn't mean to fail to post every single day of the long weekend. Life happened, though, and I admittedly never even turned on my computer. But, here we are now.

Since we missed Mancat Monday, on this Tonks Tuesday, we have for you both orange boy Evan and calico Tonks.

That's quite obviously little miss Tonks. Do you see Evan, though? His toesies are in that photo as well. See?

Tonks has always enjoyed playing with her big brother Evan. Even when he gets a bit rough with her, she loves him so very much.

Evan, Tonks, and all of us here wish you a wonderful day!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Over the next couple of days, we'll give some tips regarding pet food ingredients. As you all surely know, the ingredients that go into a furbaby's food and therefore into their body all play an important role. Let's start today with protein, which is of course a significant part of any diet. Just as with us, our cats and dogs need protein, which can be broken down into amino acids, which can in turn be used to build up new muscles and other tissues. This is why high protein is especially important in a kitten or puppy's diet, as it ensures that they can form the tissues they need to grow into healthy adults.

There are also some other special considerations to make when it comes to protein. For example, furbabies suffering from pancreatitis or diabetes often benefit from high protein diets. On the other hand, a cat with renal disease requires a low protein diet for the health of their kidneys. So, while protein is indeed an important part of any diet, do be sure to do your homework and certainly discuss with your veterinarian what ingredients you should consider for your furbaby's diet in order to keep them healthy.


pilch92 said...

Very cute photos of Tonks and Evan playing. I like the drawing and your tips are great.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What a precious pair!

messymimi said...

What fun to see them playing with each other!

Eastside Cats said...

A bit of a wrestle is fun!