Friday, August 23, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and Aquamarine Eddy

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I am in my _________ era.

2. I am insecure about _________.

3. I'm really happy with my recent purchase of _________.

4. My alarm clock is usually set for _________.

My answers are below in bold, and are of course yet again accompanied by endless rambling that no one is required to read.

1. I am in my senior cat caregiving era.
(Seeing my kitties' and pup's ages become bigger numbers admittedly brings me all levels of anxiety. That said, it also feels like an honor to be able to care for them in this stage of their life. My angel Rosie lived to 21, and I remember how grateful I was to be able to give her all the care she needed in her last years. Right now, most of my kitties are honestly doing great. Evan is my oldest at 11, and though he currently does not have any of the most common, life-threatening diseases, he does have a plethora of urinary issues, megacolon, a now deformed ear that has the potential to cause chronic ear infections, and of course his nearly lifelong hind limb paralysis. He's on 9 medications, some of which he gets twice a day. Pup Astrid is also 11, and though she's had some health scares and surgeries in the past, she's overall doing great now. It's mostly Evan in need of sometimes intensive care, and though some days are tougher than others, I really do feel honored to be able to have Evan in all stages of his life.)

2. I am insecure about my ability to achieve my goals.
(Some of the goals I'm referring to are putting my drawings and writings out there for others to enjoy and consume. I'd love to get some of my art put on various products, and I'd love to publish the stories I write. In some regard, even if only on a small scale, I know I can create said art and write said stories and release them out into the world. Even so, I still stall and get stuck in my own head when it comes down to really doing the final steps of putting my work out there. Have you ever heard of imposter syndrome? Sometimes I think it's that form of self-doubt that I struggle with. I'm really working toward making myself proceed toward my goals no matter what, though.)

3. I'm really happy with my recent purchase of Halloween goodies for my kitties and pup.
(You'll get to see them all when our Halloween posts begin, but I've officially started gathering my furry babies' Halloween toys and treats. Our local pet store sells homemade dog cookies, and they always come out with their Halloween ones in August. Since they go fast and also have a 6-month shelf life, I always load up on them as soon as they release them. So, Astrid now has something around a dozen Halloween cookies waiting for the festivities to begin. As for the kitties, Chewy has some spookily festive scratchers that I thought would be great to replace one of their old ones that's more than ready to retire. I of course also grabbed a couple of other small toys for them. I love Halloween and therefore force it onto my kitties and pup as well, though they never complain.)

4. My alarm clock is usually set for 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning.
(I'm a morning person. That's not to say I always get up in the 5 o'clock hour or even the 6 o'clock hour, but most days I do. My work place opens at 8 am. Before work, I feed the furry babies and scoop litter. There's also a feral who frequents my yard, so I feed him every morning as well. I also prep and administer Evan's 7 to 9 morning medications, that number varying depending on what day it is. I also do a workout on most mornings and then walk pup Astrid. Then I get myself ready for work and head out the door. While I am indeed a morning person, the time I get up has gotten earlier and earlier with the more care my furbabies, mostly Evan, have grown to require. I'm okay with that, though some mornings there's a lot of chaos happening.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


It's Friday, which means Eddy is of course here to show you all just how adorable she is. See?

Oh, woops. Eddy didn't mean for you to see that. She just finished a treat, so you'll have to excuse her. Here, now you can see her adorable face.

I've said this before, but I love Eddy's eyes so much. Her eyes are a true aquamarine color. Their color doesn't show up perfectly in all lighting or all photos, but her eyes are some of the most gorgeous I've ever seen.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's flashback is a sequel to yesterday's. Yet again, it more or less sums up my current art sessions.

Tip of the Day

Today's tip in our series on taking your cat to the vet is to be prepared. This may seem strange or vague, but being prepared prior to loading your kitty up in the carrier and taking him or her to the vet can help everyone avoid extra and unneeded stress and anxiety. Being prepared even involves the moments when you're getting ready to head to the vet. For example, before you get your cat into the carrier, have everything ready to go so that your kitty doesn't have to wait in the carrier longer than necessary. Have anything loaded up that you might need at the vet, such as treats, toys, or even goodies such as your cat's fecal sample. Also think of what might need prepped in the car, such as if it's hot outside and the car needs pre-cooled, if it's cold outside and the car needs pre-warmed, or even if you need to pre-prepare a safe seat in the car for your kitty's carrier.

Of course, being prepared doesn't just end with what needs done prior to arriving at the vet. For example, if you have questions to ask or notes to share with the veterinarian, have those written down or otherwise ready to be addressed prior to arriving. This can ensure that the appointment does not last longer than necessary, which is especially important for anxious cats who grow increasingly nervous the longer they're at the vet. So, for the sake of your cat and to reduce any anxiety they might feel during a vet visit, do your best to be fully prepare prior to arriving at the vet for your kitty's appointment.


Sandee said...

1. I am in my no boating era. We're happy about this.
2. I am insecure about very little.
3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of All Clad non stick frying pans.
4. My alarm clock is usually set for an early morning medical appointment.

Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins. Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

Yvonne said...

Great fillins and Eddy is so beautiful!

pilch92 said...

I enjoyed all your answers, except #2. You can achieve anything you want. You are so intelligent and talented. I am sorry Evan needs meds though, but he is blessed to have such a great mom. Nice drawing and excellent tips. XO

messymimi said...

I'm a morning person, too. It sounds like you have your hands very full all day every day.

Eddy, your tongue out photo is funny and you are beautiful.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I bet that treat was delish! You do have your hands full but your fur babies are so, so lucky to have you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were really good answers and yes Eddy, you are totally adorable!