Monday, August 12, 2024

Headless Mancat Monday

Today, Evan isn't sharing photos that are high-quality or well-lit or anything like that. But he wanted to share them anyway, because he knows they're cute in their own silly way.

Can you even see Evan in there? In these photos, Evan had tucked his head under the blanket I was using. You can see his whiskers in there if you look closely.

That photo there gives me Headless Horseman vibes. Or is it Headless Catman? Headless Mancat? Either way, happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

This spooky doodle seems fitting for today's photos from Evan. It also doesn't hurt that I'm in the mood for Halloween, and I watched the movie Sleepy Hollow this weekend.

Tip of the Day

For today's tip on how to decorate your home around your furbaby, we're here to remind you to make sure your kitty or pup has a safe window view. Indoor cats and dogs are of course safe from the dangers of an outdoor life, but it is still important that they get the mental stimulation provided by a view of the outdoors. To allow for this window view, try putting pet-friendly furniture near the window. Placing a cat tree beside the window is a perfect option for cats, for example. Of course, though, you can even simply position a couch, chair, table, or other pet-safe piece of furniture so that a window view is possible for your kitty or pup.

There are a couple of other considerations to make when it comes to window views for your furbabies. First, if it's possible and safe, try to feed birds or squirrels in view of the window, so that your kitty or pup can have the added mental stimulation of having wildlife to watch. What's more, make sure all windows are securely closed and safe from potential escapes. Also make sure that any nearby window blinds or curtains do not pose a risk to the safety of your cat or dog. It is important to ensure your indoor cat or dog has a window view in order to keep them happy and sharp, but it's equally important to ensure their safety.


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Too cute and cozy! Hope you can breathe in there :)

pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie. I like the drawing and your tips are great.

messymimi said...

Awww, Evan. Happy Napping!