Monday, August 19, 2024

Out Like a Light on Mancat Monday

It's Mancat Monday, and Evan is here to remind you all just how cute he is, even if he doesn't make it all the way into his bed.

Very likely because his back legs are paralyzed, Evan regularly gets his front half into his bed and then calls it good. I like to help him get more cozy if I know I won't disturb him. In the photo above, though, one of his higher doses of gabapentin had kicked in and had him out like a light, so I just left him to his snoozing.

Happy Monday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We're in the midst of doing a series of tips on getting your cat to the vet, which is sometimes far easier said than done. Today's tip on this topic is to do your research and to know about the clinic of choice prior to arriving there. For example, look up or call ahead and find out if the clinic you're considering is cat-only, cat-friendly, or provides a cat-only lobby. Finding a clinic that is in some way cat-friendly can make for an easier, calmer trip to the vet for your kitty. Before arriving, you can even find out which door to enter at a cat-friendly clinic to ensure that you are in the cat-only lobby, so that your kitty can feel as safe and comfortable as possible right from the start.

In addition, if or when possible, especially for skittish cats, you can try to find out a clinic's quietest, least busy time of the day, or day of the week. This way, if it's feasible and necessary, you can potentially schedule to take an especially scared cat when the clinic is as quiet as possible. Though certainly not all clinics do this, some clinics will have a day, or even partial day, when they will see only feline patients. If this is the case at your clinic of choice, try to schedule appointments for your kitty on this likely quieter, calmer day. It never hurts to be prepared, so for the sake of your kitty, find out important or helpful details of a clinic prior to your kitty's appointment. This can help things go more smoothly, and can help a cat feel as safe and calm as possible.


pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie. He does look comfy despite not being completely in his bed. Nice drawing and great tips. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

So precious!

Eastside Cats said...

He's adorbs!

messymimi said...

If the front half is good, it's good!