Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday after Vet Day

Hello, friends! It's Thursday, which means Thimble is of course ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble is grateful to be home. After all, this poor girl had her annual exam and senior lab work yesterday. She was only away from home a little over 30 minutes, but she informed me on multiple occasion that every second was her living nightmare.

Thimble apologizes that her face is a bit blurry and a bit dour. She's really quite exhausted from being shoved in a carrier and quite literally poked and prodded yesterday.

We'll have Thimble's blood results back today or tomorrow. She didn't have any urine to give yesterday, largely because she wet herself on the way to the vet, which is really nothing new for her. Unless her bloodwork shows anything, the only finding was that this girl needs a dental. She has a history of resorptive lesions, and she has yet more of those in her mouth. She's been eating like a champ, so I had no idea she had anything going on. The vet did say that these have clearly been going on for a while now, possibly forming not terribly long after her exam last year, and they don't really seem to be bothering her. She is getting the affected teeth removed, though, and that's scheduled for October 2.

Tonks also went to the vet for her annual yesterday, and the calico also needs a dental. For her it's because of tarter build-up that even at-home brushing hasn't kept at bay. That could be because Tonks hates having her teeth brushed and so I'm not able to do a great job of it. One tooth is particularly affected, and the vet needs to make sure that tooth doesn't have anything going on beneath all of its stubborn tarter. So, both Tonks and Thimble will be getting a dental. The vet indicated that he can very likely also do Tonks on October 2, so both girls may very well be getting their teeth spruced up that day.


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. The summer is just about over and I have yet to _________.

2. The highlight of my summer was _________.

3. _________ is a fictional character I really relate to.

4. My interest in _________ began when _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Spooky Summertime Doodle of the Day

Today's doodle in our new spooky summertime series stars none other than Thimble. She loves helping this human mom of hers read, complete with knocking the book or Kindle on my face while I'm reading in bed. So, this one's for you, Thimble.

Tip of the Day

We have just a couple more tips in our series on taking your felines to the vet. Today's tip is a simple one, and that is to check the status of your furbaby's medications before taking your kitty to the vet. Not all cats are on medications, of course, but if yours is, then check to see how much of the medications you have left, and also check expiration dates. In addition, consider if you have any newly developed questions regarding any of the meds prior to taking your cat to the vet. This way, when you're at the vet, you can take care of refills, dosage adjustments, and any other related necessities. Also don't forget about prescription diets, monthly preventatives, and any other products you purchase from your vet clinic. Knowing what and how much you need to purchase from the vet before you arrive can save you and your cat on time while at the vet's office, and can also save you a later trip to the vet.


pilch92 said...

Poor Thimble. Tell her The Tooth Fairy will send her some toys. I love the drawing and your tips are always excellent. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor babies!!! Love that doodle. I've become obsessed with kitty ghosts this year, and have bought SO many they're going to require their own display!

messymimi said...

Thimble, just keep telling yourself, it's over for another year!