Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday: Rain or Shine

It's Thursday, which of course means Thimble is here to share some gratitude for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

We've been having lots and lots of rain lately. Thimble is grateful that on those days, she has lots of blankies in which to snuggle. But, when we do we finally get some sunshine, Thimble is also so very thankful for that.

Thimble hopes all of you are enjoying some bright and shiny sun puddles!


Now, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I want to try _________.

2. _________ should be an Olympic sport.

3. I'm grateful that _________ while I was growing up.

4. _________ deserves to be more popular.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

To get me through the summer as I await autumn and Halloween, I've been making my way through some spooky reads. So, this doodle from a few years ago seemed fitting enough.

Tip of the Day

We're still making our way through our tips on litter boxes. Today's tip is a quick and simple one, and it's to use the times you scoop and clean the litter box wisely. In other words, use your litter scooping time to be observant of your kitty's urine and feces. Are there any changes to the urine or stool volume or frequency? Is it a different color? Is there blood or mucus in it? Is the stool especially hard, or especially soft or runny? What about the odor? Excrement never smells particularly nice, but is there any new change in its smell? Try to always be observant of these types of things when you're scooping your cat's litter box. After all, some diseases will have symptoms that show up in the litter box, and so it is indeed important to make sure you are regularly checking to make sure all is well in that box. Of course, if you do notice anything concerning while scooping the litter box, do not hesitate to make a call to your veterinarian.


The Island Cats said...

Thimble, I hope you get some sunshine soon.

messymimi said...

Thimble, I hope you get sun and rain in equal needed measure.

pilch92 said...

Thimble is a cutie. Nice drawing and great tips.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hopefully full-time blankie weather will be here soon!