Saturday, June 25, 2016

Caturday Art: Summertime Friends

We've made it to the weekend, everybuddy!

As always, first up for the weekend is the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the lovely Athena. For our Caturday Art contribution, we're sharing the image that we will be using as our summer header starting tomorrow. This piece of course stars my furbabies, as well as some little summertime friends they found.

My furbabies love watching the summer scenery outside their beloved windows. They all especially love when little critters show up to flutter about and creep and crawl along outside. I can tell that they wish these little friends would come inside to visit and play. (Let's be honest, sometimes these little buggers do just that, and my furbabies just the love the thrill of the chase...)

How about all of our furiends out there? What do you think of those little fluttery and creepy-crawly critters out and about this time of year? Do you make friends with them? Do you like to chase them?

Happy Caturday to all of our furiends!


Our Tip of the Day:
In some past tips I've talked about summer care for pets, and in other tips I've mentioned having emergency and disaster plans that include your furbabies. Today, let's combine the two. Sometimes summer brings with it heat advisories, sometimes even excessive and potentially dangerous heat advisories. In cases such as these, whether you simply don't have an air conditioning unit or whether you have an air conditioner but it fails or the power goes out, be very cognizant and cautious of the temperature inside your house. Most importantly, have plans in store for keeping your furbabies cool in the case of summertime emergencies. Do you have a plan that will keep your furbaby safe from heat exposure or heat stroke? Some plans can include simple solutions, such as using plenty of fans, opening windows, spending time outdoors in the breeze during the coolest parts of the day, and placing extra or iced water out for your furbaby. However, some of these solutions only work so well and only for so long. In cases when sufficient cooling is not available at your house, it never hurts to have a temporary relocation plan in place. Is there a friend or family member who could take in your furbaby should cooling measures at your house become insufficient? Is your furbaby established at an air conditioned boarding facility? Summer sure can be a time for fun, but it also has its potential dangers, and it never hurts to think ahead!


Marg said...

Oh that new header is just terrific. That is just the best. Astrid with the lady bug on her nose is just the best. You all have a wonderful day.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

The butterflies actually land on Mommy when she is weeding. The rest of us chase them so.....................Love your picture.

pilch92 said...

I love the new header- so cute. Sometimes moths get in and they chase them. Last week a firefly got in so I put it in a jar for a while to enjoy then I put it back outside. Great tip, all that fur on our pets makes them extra hot. We have central air and a backup generator so hopefully we will be all set.

meowmeowmans said...

Hooray for Summer! And your terrific new header ... we love it! :)

Zoe and Gracie love watching all the action through our big sliding glass door ... there are butterflies, moths, squirrels, birds and rabbits aplenty this time of year.


Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

What and adorable picture!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Katie and The Katz said...

Love the mew banner! Furry cute arts! Speaking ofs Summer care tips, the Mom was wondering if you knew what kitty's heat tolerance is... Her went looking on the internets and didn't find an accurate answer. -Katie Kitty Too.

Cathy Keisha said...

Love your new header. I kill all crawly things I see and even those I imagine I see. We thought we'd be without a/c for 24-48 hours during August while they redid our roof and disconnected the a/c units but now that's not gonna happen until Sept or Oct. TW wasn't looking forward to that cos of my asthma.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mudpie is bug-watching obsessed!!! The other day I caught her trying to catch a centipede (ugh!!!) Love your new header too!

Anonymous said...

Very cute summertime portrait of your furbabies!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

We really like your artwork today, especially all the critters.
Mum hopes they stay outside too ;)
That is also a very good tip about staying cool.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Nice Summer Header! And it is allus good ta see the outside world.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

LOVE the artwork and I LOVE the "Cody look-alike" in it too ;) catchatwithcarenandcody

The Island Cats said...

What sunny artwork!