1. I am allergic to _________.
2. My taxes _________.
3. I don't tell many people _________.
4. When it rains, _________.
I filled these in myself, and you'll find mine below. My answers are in bold.
1. I am allergic to spring and summer.
(This time of year, antihistamine is my hero.)
2. My taxes have always been done by my mother.
(Because that's how good I am at this whole adulting thing. My mom has always had an interest in accounting, and then there's me, who really can't stand it. My mom claims she actually enjoys doing taxes. I hope she's not just being a mom and lying to me. Thanks for your help, Mom!)
3. I don't tell many people that I like to draw and write.
(You all know about these hobbies of mine! My parents and sister also of course know. Some of my extended family recently learned that I enjoy artsy things, but I don't think I've ever mentioned to them how I enjoy writing and am working on completing various stories. Most of my neighbors, co-workers, old friends from school, and other such folks are also out of the loop on these hobbies of mine. I just never mention it. I don't really know why. Fear not, though, because nearly everyone who has ever met me knows that I am a proud parent to my furbabies. This fact always comes up in conversation, probably because I'm always bringing up my kitties and pup.)
4. When it rains, stay inside and cuddle a kitty.
(Feel free to grab a good book, too.)
(This time of year, antihistamine is my hero.)
2. My taxes have always been done by my mother.
(Because that's how good I am at this whole adulting thing. My mom has always had an interest in accounting, and then there's me, who really can't stand it. My mom claims she actually enjoys doing taxes. I hope she's not just being a mom and lying to me. Thanks for your help, Mom!)
3. I don't tell many people that I like to draw and write.
(You all know about these hobbies of mine! My parents and sister also of course know. Some of my extended family recently learned that I enjoy artsy things, but I don't think I've ever mentioned to them how I enjoy writing and am working on completing various stories. Most of my neighbors, co-workers, old friends from school, and other such folks are also out of the loop on these hobbies of mine. I just never mention it. I don't really know why. Fear not, though, because nearly everyone who has ever met me knows that I am a proud parent to my furbabies. This fact always comes up in conversation, probably because I'm always bringing up my kitties and pup.)
4. When it rains, stay inside and cuddle a kitty.
(Feel free to grab a good book, too.)
Now it's your turn!
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You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.

Do you know what's next? It's something fun. Did you guess? Why, of course it's the Pet Photo Fails! Blog Hop, hosted by Mudpie and Melissa of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

I always find it so fortuitous that the Photo Fails blog hop falls on a Friday. After all, Friday happens to the be the day that my girl Eddy always gets to show off her adorable self. What's more, Eddy happens to be the resident blooper queen, so she was made for this Friday blooper blog hop. Serendipity at its finest.
Happy Friday, friends!
Our Doodle of the Day:
This is my rendition of Sleeping Beauty, cat lady style.
Our Tip of the Day:
We're of course here today with another National Pet Poison Awareness Month tip. It's time to give a reminder of the dirty details of keeping your kitty or pup safe. What we mean is, don't forget to keep your garbage can, recycling bin, dirty dishwasher, compost, and other similar areas safe against curious furbabies. Garbage cans or recycling bins, for example, might contain empty containers for potentially poisonous substances, such as detergents. The garbage can, dishwasher, or even compost might also contain the remnants of food that is toxic to a cat or dog. When it comes to the compost, or perhaps even the garbage can, moldy foods especially might be found within, and moldy food can contain mycotoxins, which are indeed toxic to our furbabies.
All in all, what we're trying to say is to never forget all of the details, no matter how dirty, for ensuring that your kitty or pup is free from any form of poisoning or other injury. Use garbage cans that are securely lidded or pet-proof in another way. You could even hide your garbage can in a cabinet, drawer, or room to which your furbaby cannot gain access. Also ensure that your dirty dishwasher remains securely closed, and that any compost you have is kept somewhere that your furbaby cannot reach. Even if a precaution seems like overkill, it's probably not. After all, when it comes to the health and safety of your furbaby, it is of course best to take no risks.
Wonderful filling in. I was a "closet writer/painter" for a few years until I realized I actually could SELL both. Funny that I turned that all around and became a "closet girl" again later in life! Your day is coming when you will want the whole world to know of your SIGNIFICANT talents. Really. We have a tax accountant do our taxes every year - things get more complicated when you retire I think.............as for Eddy's bloopers - they are always VERY adorable!
Hugs, Pam
How lovely that your mom does your taxes, i have to gather my stuff and i don't want to talk about it.
Sleeping Beauty needed cats to nap with her!
Great answers and photos as always.
Have a great Friday and weekend.
Great answers and I love the photos.
Really good answers. Eddy, we like your bloopers. Have a really nice weekend.
We enjoyed today's "doodle" particularly, tho you should call it "work of art!" We hope you will visit us again sometime.
Eddy is cute, no matter how blurry the pic! And I cannot believe that you don't sing from the mountaintops about your writing and drawing, because you are GOOD! DAMN GOOD!
Photo fail perfection, if I can say that, MOL
Eddy gave you some great ones there, way more animated than mine!
Love all the fails. They are still precious.
I had to chuckle over your taxes comments. Hubby does ours and I'm forever grateful for that.
Thank you for co-hosting Friendly Fill-ins.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥
I love your answers. I am a big fan of antihistmines this time of year too. You are lucky to have a mom that is good with taxes. If my mom were good at them, I would have her do mine too, but we both send out to accountants. Your Sleeping Beauty is my favorite drawing of yours ever. I love all the different colored cats. :) I knew Eddy would be more than happy to provide you with bloopers, so cute. Great tips too. Have a nice weekend! XO
Great answers and we really like your doodle of the day
Eddy even your photo fails are cute
Timmy and Family
Oh Eddy...even your bloopers are adorable.
Great answers and adorable bloopers & doodle!
Good bloopers shots. How do they know that it's a camera when they look away?
Love ya, Eddy! Hmmm, if everybuddy stays in when it rains, why is traffic so bad? Sorry, I was just talking to myself. How come there's never a cat that looks like me in your doodles. I ax cos I know today you weren't drawing your kitties.
Back when I went back to school for accounting, a friend who graduated told me that accountants either love taxes or hate taxes. I've found that to be true time and again. I don't like things I can't get my head around and there are just too many details for me to deal with taxes. I've begrudgingly done my own since I was 18.
I love that doodle!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
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