Each week, our hosts share a photo prompt to help us get poetic. This week's prompt is this beautiful image here:

As our hosts explained, that there is a houseboat. As in, people can live there. Isn't that a lovely thought? That all being said, my mind sort of went a different way when I saw this prompt. I've been doing a series of doodles in which I'm adding some felines to certain fairy tales and Disney stories. That was the concept still stuck in my head when I was working on my poem for this week. That probably explains why my strange poem ended up the way it did.
Wendy was an adventurous girl,
And she lived along the vast seashore.
She dreamed of visiting lands near and far,
And of never growing old and of visiting stars.
Wendy was also a lover of books,
Which she would read when tucked away in the library nook.
Wendy once read a tale with an adventure quite grand,
All the way over in an ageless place known as Neverland.
Wendy desired nothing more than to visit that place.
In fact, to Neverland she wished she could race.
The only problem was that she didn't know where to find it.
Tales of Neverland left its location to imagination and wit.
Every day and night, Wendy would try to solve the puzzle.
She tried to make the details of Neverland far less muddled,
As she sat beside the open bay window,
Basking in the breeze from the sea below.
Wendy would pore over her tales of Neverland,
Wondering how far it existed from her home shore's sand.
As she did just that on a day sunny and bright,
Out at sea something came into sight.
That seafaring something was a great big ship,
As it drew nearer, Wendy realized it truly was no blip.
The boat was nothing if not a colossal vessel.
It also traveled across the water at the speed of a Tasmanian devil.
The quirks of the approaching boat just continued to grow.
After all, on its deck was a flower bed filled with more than one rose.
And then there was that blossoming tree,
Which seemed to grow on the deck and sway in the breeze.
Wendy ran downstairs and out the front door,
Dashing out to the welcoming seashore.
What had finally sent Wendy flying toward the ship
Was the single word written on its front bit.
What was the word that sent Wendy running through the sand?
Why, of course, it was the word Neverland!
Wendy wondered and hoped it was the name of the ship,
And that it meant it could take her to that land of ageless bliss.
Wendy squinted and looked for anyone she might see on deck.
When she saw them, she thought, What the heck?
There was a boy in a bold green shirt,
And an equally green hat out of which a red feather did spurt.
Oh, but that boy was not all Wendy could see.
There was something playing in the ship's strangely placed tree,
Look! It was none other than a striped cat of orange!
This ship was certainly the farthest thing from boring.
Wendy cleared her throat and wailed,
"Excuse me, but is it to Neverland that you sail?"
This was the reply the boy on the ship to Wendy did send:
"No, but do not fret, because this ship is Neverland."
Wendy could not help but express her confusion,
And the boy promised her that this was not all just an illusion.
The boy on board said, "Trips to Neverland were becoming quite tedious.
Putting Neverland on this ship made the whole thing much less of a fuss."
The boy invited Wendy aboard this Neverland ship,
And the sight was worth more than she could ever have wished.
She could not believe what she did see,
She saw that on the ship was more than just some roses and a tree.
Wendy discovered that the boat had its very own refreshing breeze,
And a whole forest filled with dozens more trees!
There were giant gardens and ponds and a waterfall.
How had she not before seen it all?
The boy on the boat said, "You don't have to stay on the shore's sand.
You're free to sail with us on Neverland.
Now that we're mobile rather than set in stone.
You can also quite easily visit your seaside home."
Wendy was not about to turn down an offer such as that,
And so she settled in to sail with the boy and his tree-climbing cat.
This was the reply the boy on the ship to Wendy did send:
"No, but do not fret, because this ship is Neverland."
Wendy could not help but express her confusion,
And the boy promised her that this was not all just an illusion.
The boy on board said, "Trips to Neverland were becoming quite tedious.
Putting Neverland on this ship made the whole thing much less of a fuss."
The boy invited Wendy aboard this Neverland ship,
And the sight was worth more than she could ever have wished.
She could not believe what she did see,
She saw that on the ship was more than just some roses and a tree.
Wendy discovered that the boat had its very own refreshing breeze,
And a whole forest filled with dozens more trees!
There were giant gardens and ponds and a waterfall.
How had she not before seen it all?
The boy on the boat said, "You don't have to stay on the shore's sand.
You're free to sail with us on Neverland.
Now that we're mobile rather than set in stone.
You can also quite easily visit your seaside home."
Wendy was not about to turn down an offer such as that,
And so she settled in to sail with the boy and his tree-climbing cat.
Before they set out the boy said, "Oh, by the way, my name is Peter."
Then he pointed to his feline friend and said, "And that there is Tinker."
Your dose of Thimble today is a throwback. Thimble wanted to share some memories from last year, from a moment that she can't wait to reenact.
We are so close to having window whiffies weather like this, and Thimble is so thankful for that!
We are also grateful for all of the wonderful friends this blogging community has to offer. Thank you for being our friends!
Now we have for you the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.
1. I admire _________.
2. I can't wait for _________ to bloom.
3. I'm proud to say _________.
4. _________ make(s) me nervous.
We'll see you tomorrow, friends!
Our Tip of the Day:
One of our previous National Pet Poison Awareness Month tips was on the dangers of medications indeed formulated for our furbabies. We meant to (yet failed to) expand on a particular topic in this regard. That topic is as that of topical preventatives. First and foremost, always ensure that you are giving preventatives specifically formulated for the species at hand. Just one reason for this is that some flea and tick preventatives formulated for dogs are toxic to cats. Many such canine preventatives contain pyrethrin/pyrethroid, to which cats are highly sensitive. Pyrethrin/pyrethroid poisoning can result in excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty walking, or seizures, just to name a few. So, never apply dog preventatives on your kitty.
Also, be careful if your cat lives in a household with a dog who receives preventatives. In such a case, try to look for canine preventatives that do not contain pyrethrin/pyrethroid, or keep the dog and cat separated for a safe amount of time after application. Ask your veterinarian for information on how to keep both your kitty and pup healthy and safe, yet also protected from pests. It's also worth noting that some other forms of flea, tick, or other pest preventatives, such as sprays, may contain pyrethrin/pyrethroid. Always check the label, and only use products that you are certain will not harm your kitties or pups. Again, ask your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns regarding a product's safety.
In addition, know your cat or dog's weight and select preventatives accordingly. Administering a medication intended for a cat or dog larger than yours could have negative effects for the furbaby. Also be aware of their age, as some kittens or puppies, for example, may not yet be of an age deemed safe for the application of some preventatives. What's more, also always take into consideration your furbaby's overall health status. If your cat or dog suffers from any ailments, always discuss with your veterinarian the safety of giving a preventative. While we of course want to keep our furry family members safe from fleas, ticks, heartworms, and all sorts of infestations, it is important that we do so safely.
Also, be careful if your cat lives in a household with a dog who receives preventatives. In such a case, try to look for canine preventatives that do not contain pyrethrin/pyrethroid, or keep the dog and cat separated for a safe amount of time after application. Ask your veterinarian for information on how to keep both your kitty and pup healthy and safe, yet also protected from pests. It's also worth noting that some other forms of flea, tick, or other pest preventatives, such as sprays, may contain pyrethrin/pyrethroid. Always check the label, and only use products that you are certain will not harm your kitties or pups. Again, ask your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns regarding a product's safety.
In addition, know your cat or dog's weight and select preventatives accordingly. Administering a medication intended for a cat or dog larger than yours could have negative effects for the furbaby. Also be aware of their age, as some kittens or puppies, for example, may not yet be of an age deemed safe for the application of some preventatives. What's more, also always take into consideration your furbaby's overall health status. If your cat or dog suffers from any ailments, always discuss with your veterinarian the safety of giving a preventative. While we of course want to keep our furry family members safe from fleas, ticks, heartworms, and all sorts of infestations, it is important that we do so safely.
We know spring is here. Even though it is still cool and we have snow, our cat bro Bert is starting to dart out the door in the hope of running away. He never does that in the winter.
We enjoyed the Wendy poem and we'd love to have some window whiffies too sweet Thimble. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
What a fun poem! You are so creative. Thimble, looks like you are definitely ready for spring sweetie!
We always enjoy seeing you Thimble. The poem is just terrific. You all have a super duper day.
What a wonderful poem ! Purrs
Have you heard of the Catboat? That's what the picture makes me think of!
What fun if you could stay in Neverland and yet still travel to other places!
May window whiffies be yours soon
Excellent poem. I am lucky if I can come up with 4 lines each week , you just amaze me with what you do. Cute drawing. Thimble is adorable, we can't wait for window whiffies too. Great tips too.
We always love your imaginative poems. And Thimble, it's a treat to see your pretty face today. Happy Spring and Window whiffie season!
What a great name for a floating "wonderland" - Neverland. I loved the story and I can see how you got inspired by the houseboat for this one. I think it would be magical to float around and see many places on such a boat but living on one full-time that was docked - not sure about that! We did enjoy seeing so many of them when we toured the canals of Amsterdam though. Some people have such great "vision" in decorating them........thanks for joining us every week with your fun story-poems. They take us "away" every time.
Hugs, Pam and Teddy too
Love this story...poem...story...whatevs! Thimble is a cutie, today or yesterday or last year.
Good advice and you should never try to split the dosage. Some people in an effort to save money will buy the dosage for a 20lb cat and then try to split it between 2 10lb cats. THIS IS NOT SAFE. Most likely both cats will wind up under protected or one will wind up with too much.
We loved your poem and doodle
Thimble we are having glorious weather this week. Even the Mom spent the day outside yesterday.
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