Saturday, March 12, 2022

Not-So-Springtime Caturday Art

Today's doodle for Caturday Art is a flashback doodle from last year, simply because I didn't have any new ones that seemed apt enough for this snowy March day. So, we went with this one that we scribbled up last year on a cold and snowy not-so-springtime day.

How are things looking in your corner of the world? Is it still looking like winter? Is it feeling like spring?

Happy Caturday!

Tip of the Day

Still continuing on with our National Pet Poison Awareness Month, we are today reminding you to keep any questionable kitchen products well out of reach of your furbabies. Just as laundry detergents can be dangerous, so can those used in the kitchen. Dishwasher detergent or tablets, for example, can often have corrosive or other dangerous side effects. Other potentially toxic kitchen products include degreasers, oven cleaners, and drain cleaners. These products can also potentially have corrosive effects, among other adverse reactions. If your furbaby ingests any such products, they might display gastrointestinal distress, oral ulcers, lethargy, or other symptoms. As always, if you think your kitty or pup might have ingested a toxic kitchen product, seek veterinary assistance.


Eastside Cats said...

There was snow yesterday, and now it's bitterly cold with wind.
But, the temps are going up after Sunday...yay!

messymimi said...

It would be lovely to be surrounded by flowers like that.

pilch92 said...

Very nice drawing and great tips.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Very cute! Yesterday was spring. 6" of snow today. 60 degrees by later in the the week. Whiplash!