Tonks is all cozy and curled up today. Literally.
Flashback Doodle of the Day
Tip of the Day
Our tips for National Pet Poison Awareness Month continue on, and we have yet another random household item to be aware of due to the potentially toxic effects that can result if ingested. What we're talking about today are coins. Coins, such as pennies, contain zinc, which can lead to toxicity and serious side effects if ingested in large enough quantities. Zinc poisoning can result in vomiting as well as increased respiration rate and heart rate. Zinc can also damage blood cells. For these reasons, as well as for the choking and obstruction hazards that coins can pose, be sure to always keep coins out of your kitty or pup's reach. Some animals will put anything and everything into their mouth, which could of course lead to danger with items such as coins. So, keep those coins safely tucked away!
Cutie pie Tonks!
The Hubby often lays on the hard floor, to stretch his acheing back.
Coins slip out of his pockets, but he's good at picking them up again.
Da Boyz investigate EVERYTHING they find!
Pretty girl! I sure could use a nap right about now...
Tonks is so adorable. Nice drawing and great tips.
Naps are very scarce here, too many interruptions.
She's one cute napper.
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