Not all of Tonks or Evan's toesies agreed to show off their cute little beans, but look at all those toesies nonetheless. Though I don't see it ever happening—at least not without a fair amount of blood, sweat, and tears—I'd love a photo showcasing all of my furbabies' toesies in one place at the same time. Is anyone else absolutely obsessed with cute and furry toesies? I'm thinking quite a few of you probably are.
Happy Tuesday!
Flashback Doodle of the Day
Today will be our last day of flashback doodles for a while. After all, April is the month of the A to Z Challenge, and that means lots of new doodles throughout the month. For our final flashback fairy tale doodle, how about the one that stars all seven of the furbabies in our house? Who remembers this princess and her seven something or others?
Tip of the Day
Today is the last day of National Pet Poison Prevention Month. Since Easter is just around the corner, we're going to give you a summary of what Easter items to keep away from your furbaby, so that they do not end up at the emergency clinic around this springtime holiday.
First, keep those Easter lilies away from your kitties and pups! There are a number of lily types that are toxic to furbabies, Easter lilies being one of the most dangerous. Any part of the Easter lily can be toxic, even the pollen. Lily toxicity can lead to any number of life-threatening side effects, one of them being acute kidney failure. As you surely already know or can guess, it is simply safest to keep any and all lilies out of the home, well out of reach of your kitty or pup.
Other Easter goodies to keep away from your furbaby include chocolate, which is also toxic, as you all certainly already know. Don't forget the danger that other candies can pose as well, such as the sugar-free sort containing toxic xylitol. If you are giving or receiving Easter baskets that contain candies such as these, keep them well hidden away, so that hungry or curious furbabies cannot help themselves to a toxic snack.
It is also worth it to noting the danger of Easter grass. This stringy grass-like material often used as a filler in Easter baskets can be dangerous if ingested by a kitty or pup. It can lead to emergencies such as intestinal blockage, perforation, or laceration. Try not to use any such materials in Easter baskets. If you receive a basket with this dangerous fake grass material, keep it well out of your furbaby's reach and dispose of it safely.
First, keep those Easter lilies away from your kitties and pups! There are a number of lily types that are toxic to furbabies, Easter lilies being one of the most dangerous. Any part of the Easter lily can be toxic, even the pollen. Lily toxicity can lead to any number of life-threatening side effects, one of them being acute kidney failure. As you surely already know or can guess, it is simply safest to keep any and all lilies out of the home, well out of reach of your kitty or pup.
Other Easter goodies to keep away from your furbaby include chocolate, which is also toxic, as you all certainly already know. Don't forget the danger that other candies can pose as well, such as the sugar-free sort containing toxic xylitol. If you are giving or receiving Easter baskets that contain candies such as these, keep them well hidden away, so that hungry or curious furbabies cannot help themselves to a toxic snack.
It is also worth it to noting the danger of Easter grass. This stringy grass-like material often used as a filler in Easter baskets can be dangerous if ingested by a kitty or pup. It can lead to emergencies such as intestinal blockage, perforation, or laceration. Try not to use any such materials in Easter baskets. If you receive a basket with this dangerous fake grass material, keep it well out of your furbaby's reach and dispose of it safely.