Friday, September 15, 2023

Friendly Fill-Ins and Aquamarine Eyes

Hello, friends! I'm sorry for the late post. I'd actually been doing pretty good getting posts completed and scheduled early, until yesterday and today. I promise I have good reason, though. It involves a feral tomcat in my neighborhood that I discovered needed help on Monday. The past couple days have been chaos as we tried to trap him, and we finally succeeded yesterday evening. He got the help he needed, and since he's truly feral and admittedly unfriendly, he was released into my yard this morning so that he could stay in his usual territory. I'll be having a whole post starring him on Sunday, but I just thought I'd attempt to excuse my tardiness by explaining how that situation is in large part why we fell off the train of timely posts the past couple of days.

All that said, we're finally here for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us! My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ is something I accomplished this year.

2. _________ is something I have yet to accomplish.

3. I would _________ if I found _________.

4. Recently, _________ really piqued my interest.

My answers are below in bold.

1. Getting one of the feral tomcats in the neighborhood trapped and neutered is something I accomplished this year.
(This just goes along with what I mentioned at the beginning of this post. TNR efforts are something I've been meaning to do with the most current feral tomcats in my neighborhood. One tomcat neuter down, thanks to the help of a local rescue group.)

2. Getting the other feral tomcat in the area trapped and neutered is something I have yet to accomplish.
(Now that I'm in close contact with the rescue group who helped me take care of the first feral tomcat, I'll be trying to trap the other feral fellow in the next week or so. This little guy is newer to the area, and he's actually a tad bit less feral than the first. He doesn't necessarily want to be my best friend, but I'm hoping his slightly less aggressive demeanor will make him a bit easier to trap. We shall see.)

3. I would do my absolute best to help if I found a kitty in need.
(I have a feeling this is a sentiment all of us cat lovers share. I can't tell you how much sleep I've lost this week while worrying about the kitty I was trying to trap. I'll share the full story on Sunday, but the short story is that I'm so relieved he's been taken care of. He might be mad at me, given all the hissing and spitting he was aiming at me after I trapped him yesterday, but now that he's back in his domain I'll continue putting food out for him and can just hope he'll forgive me.)

4. Recently, spooky art I found online really piqued my interest.
(Given the time of year, I've been seeing lots of Halloween imagery online. I started saving a number of the images, because some of them have given me ideas of my own for new drawings I'd really like to create. I'll be starting full Halloween doodles very soon, some of them indeed inspired by the spooky, kooky imagery I've been seeing online. Of course, my doodles will include plenty of kitties.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Hello, friends! Eddy realized that last week she didn't give you a good view of her adorable face. So, she tried this week to give you a bit more.

I'd like to say that I happen to think Eddy has some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. This photo does not do them justice, but they're a beautiful aquamarine. They're stunning. And I'm not biased at all.

Happy Friday!

Doodle of the Day

For a variety of reasons, I've scribbled up multiple drawings in the past starring what I call RoboKitty. That said, here's this year's new rendition.

If RoboKitty looks a bit like Thimble, that's because she was my inspiration. Espcially as a kitten, and a bit now, adorable little Thimble has a robotic little meow. And so, RoboKitty was created.

Tip of the Day

Today's autumn pet safety tip is about candles. As the weather cools and holidays begin to approach, many folk feel compelled to light some cozy, deliciously-scented candles. That being said, always be careful with candles, and any open flames, around your furbabies. If you do light candles, keep them only in areas where your furbaby cannot reach. For some furbabies, putting lit candles up on a high shelf might suffice. Many cats, for example, though, might still be able to reach candles on shelves and other similar surfaces. If you do have such a furbaby capable of this, yet you also wish to light a candle, then consider measures such as keeping your kitty or pup out of the room where the candle is lit. The long and short of it is to never leave lit candles anywhere that a furbaby can reach, and certainly not unattended. Otherwise, a kitty or pup might find themselves burnt, or might knock a candle over and increase the risk of fire. If you cannot ensure the safety of your furbaby and home, then simply refrain from lighting candles.

It's also worthwhile to note that certain items associated with candles should also be considered dangerous and off-limits to furbabies. This would include matches and lighters, for example. These items should be kept tucked safely away, just as lit candles should.


Yvonne said...

Wow, you did really well for the ferals in your neighborhood. That's so wonderful!

Eastside Cats said...

Yay for the feral, not a Tom anymore!

pilch92 said...

Great answers, especially that you got one cat TNRed. I hope you can get the other and maybe if he ends up being friendlier, he can get a home too. Nice shot of Eddy. I like the drawing- reminds me of a knight in armor. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Pawsome job with the ferals! That's a beautiful photo of Eddy, and I love the doodle!

messymimi said...

Thank you for working with the ferals! I've done some of that, it's hard work.

Eddy is quite beautiful, I can only imagine how pretty those eyes are in person.