Saturday, September 9, 2023

Musical Caturday Art

Hello, friends! Cutting right to today's chase, our contribution to Athena's Caturday Art Blog Hop stars of course a kitty, but also some tunes.

I haven't used a cassette player since I was a kid, but it sure looked a lot more aesthetic than modern musical devices. So, there you have it.

Happy Caturday!

Tip of the Day

Today's simple autumnal tip is, when safe and reasonable, for you and your furbaby take outdoor advantage of the fall weather. During this season, we often don't see all those unbearably hot summer days or those frigid winter days. Therefore, while this cooler, crisp weather is here, perhaps use it to take special yet safe trips around the neighborhood, to the park, and so forth. Of course, this part of this tip only applies to those furbabies who are accustomed to going on walks or making other similar trips outside. So, if you have yourself a pup or a kitty who enjoys the outdoors, make the most of autumn, and use these months to take an extra walk or two, to make those walks a little longer than usual, or to simply enjoy extra moments of fresh air by sitting on the porch or in the yard together. Do be sure to take all precautions, though, and make sure your furbaby is safely on a leash, that he or she is wearing identification, that you only visit pet-friendly areas, and so forth.

We're not quite done yet, though. This next part of the tip relates to those furbabies who might not be outdoor or go on walks, but who might still benefit from the weather of autumn. We're referring to using the cool autumn months for vet visits or other trips indoor furbabies might need to take. In other words, when possible, you can schedule vet visits for the season of autumn, so as to avoid sweltering summer or frigid winter trips outdoors. Your furbaby still might not enjoy a date with their doctor, but at least in the autumn they likely wouldn't have to suffer extreme heat or cold during their outing.


pilch92 said...

Cute drawing and great tips. XO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We like soft music, but we dont have cat-sized headphones...

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Love it! Music and cats :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's adorable! I was glued to my little cassette player as a kid :)

Eastside Cats said...

I think The Hubby still has some cassette tapes left over from his misspent youth still!

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, so cute! We had those kinds of cassette players when we were kids, too. :)

messymimi said...

The cat certainly is enjoying the tunes.

The J-Cats said...

Kitty with a Walkman - er, Walkcat(?). Cute!