Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tonks Tuesday: The Distracted Calico

On this Tonks Tuesday, the resident calico is, well, exactly what the title suggests. She's a tad bit distracted.

Tonks promises she's not just trying to ignore you all. She's really just a very busy girl.

Tonks would apologize for not letting you bask in the total adorableness of her face, but there are birds and bugs and neighbors to watch outside the window. She can't simply be expected to look at a camera when there's that much to snoopervise. That said, Tonks promises to try to let you see her full face next week. After all, she knows it's pretty darn cute.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Doodle of the Day

Today's doodle is another new one from the vault. It was scribbled up a couple months ago, when summer gardens were in full bloom. If this one looks familiar, it's because it was my way of recreating one of my favorite old doodles that I scribbled up a few years ago. That old doodle starred a similar garden, but that one had a kitty hanging out in none other than a pair of boots. I wanted to make this one a bit more bookish, though, which will be obvious when I stop rambling and you can actually see it for yourself. So, here you go.

The original doodle also involved some potion bottles. I liked the look of that, so I included them in this new version as well. Because why not.

Tip of the Day

Today's autumn pet safety tip is all about those cool fall temperatures. When the weather starts to cool, take into consideration what steps you might have to take to ensure that your furbaby stays warm. Don't forget that cooler weather can be felt both outdoors and indoors.

If it's growing cold outside, monitor your pup or kitty when outdoors, and don't leave them outdoors for long periods of time. In addition, if you care for strays, ferals, or other outdoor kitties of pups, do your best to ensure they have some form of shelter in which to stay out of the wind and to stay as warm as possible. Even a storage container or a Styrofoam cooler turned upside, with a hole cut in the side as an entrance, can allow for some warmth on cool days. You can add blankets or straw to help strays, ferals, and other outdoor cats or dogs huddle up and stay warm in such a shelter. Do keep in mind, though, that blankets can become damp and cold if rained on, which is why straw might be an ideal option for helping outdoor furbabies stay warm in a shelter.

Of course, don't forget that even our indoor furbabies can feel the drop in temperature this time of year. Floors can go from being cool respites on hot summer days to being drafty and chilly in the autumn. For this reason, try to ensure that your cat or dog has somewhere off of the floor to sleep, especially in these cooler seasons. You can put out extra blankets or pet beds for them to warmly nap on. Especially as we get further into autumn, safe and pet-friendly heating blankets or heated pet beds could also be put out for your furbaby. Then again, you can also help your kitty or pup stay warm with some extra lap time.


Eastside Cats said...

We think you'll be just as busy next week, Tonks, but we'll abide.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That face is worth waiting for!

pilch92 said...

Tonks is such a cutie- and clearly very busy. Nice drawing and great tips too.

The Island Cats said...

There must be something really good out there that you’re watching, Tonks.

messymimi said...

Tonks has a pretty enough profile to carry the post!