Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thimble Thursday

 Hello, friends! Today we're again participating in Angel Sammy's Poetic Thursday Blog Hop.

Today's photo prompt is this majestic and slightly terrifying one here:

Like last week, I took major liberties with this one. As I believe I mentioned last week, not only do I like to include my own illustration with my poems, but I also have a backlog of doodles to share. So, I went through those and found one that only just barely relates to the above photo prompt. Barely, if even at all. I'm talking about this probably not so spooky doodle here:

So, I wrote a short poem, trying to make it work for both the photo prompt and my illustration. You can read it below, if you'd like.


My apologies, I didn't mean to give you a scare.
Really, truly, I didn't, I swear.
Or, actually, do I dare?
Anyway, is there any space here you can spare?
I'm getting quite bored of my own little lair.
I'll just live right here, if you don't care.
I'll try my best to stay out of your hair.
Oh, and by the way, my name is Pierre.


And now it's time for Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Last week, Thimble showed you all how she's cute even when she rolls her eyes at and side-eyes her silly human mom. Today, she wanted to make sure you all know she also has equally adorable expressions that are really quite sweet. See?

As always, both Thimble and I are so very grateful grateful for that downright adorable tabby face.


Now, last but not least, we have for you the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. _________ is something I accomplished this year.

2. _________ is something I have yet to accomplish.

3. I would _________ if I found _________.

4. Recently, _________ really piqued my interest.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Tip of the Day

Today's autumnal tip relates to grooming. As the weather starts to cool in the autumn, your furbaby might begin to grow their winter coat. Especially in double-coated furbabies, such as Persian cats and Husky dogs, you might notice the fur filling out and growing thicker as the weather cools. For this reason, do be sure to help you furbaby groom, such as by brushing them on a regular basis. If you are unable to groom your cat or dog, and especially if they are prone to mats or hairball issues, then you can consider taking them to a groomer. Some veterinary offices even offer grooming services, so, as needed, you can discuss this with your veterinarian. Regardless of if you do it at home or take your furbaby to a groomer, regularly grooming your kitty or pup can help prevent mats, and can help prevent the ingestion of hairballs, especially in cats. Mats can be uncomfortable and painful, so it's of course ideal to prevent these. It is of course also important to help prevent your furbaby's ingestion of too much hair, not only because this prevents the vomiting of hairballs, but also because, in worst case scenarios, ingestion of too much hair could cause a blockage in the intestinal tract. So, don't forgot about those grooming sessions.


Eastside Cats said...

Cutie pie, Thimble!
Terrific poem...nice to meet you, Pierre.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That poem is perfect!

messymimi said...

Oh, that poem is just right for both, at least to me it is.

Thimble is a beauty.

pilch92 said...

Great poem and drawing. Thimble is a cutie. And your tips are excellent.