Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Woof Woof Wednesday: Window Views and Bunny Ears

Pup Astrid decided it's been too long since you've all seen a photo of her enjoying her beloved window.

That might not be a great shot, but can you believe what happened while Astrid tried to pose for some better ones?

Do you see that? Do you see those bunny ears that Astrid did not ask for? Humans. Can't live with them, and can't live, well, with them.

Astrid hopes all of you friends of her have less obnoxious humans. She also wishes you all a happy Wednesday!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

It's pretty much Halloween season, so you better believe the spooky, kooky decor is out and about in our house.


Tip of the Day

We're in the midst of a series of tips for National Disaster Preparedness Month. Yesterday, we discussed preparing emergency supplies or a travel kit, so that you and your furbaby will be ready to handle a disaster, evacuation, and so forth, should the need arise. Today, we're here to remind you to go yet another step further and to have a plan. In other words, in the event of a disaster or other emergency, how and what will you do in order to ensure the safety of both your furbaby and yourself? For example, if you live in an area where disasters might make evacuation a possibility, have a safe a safe destination secured, not only for yourself but for your furbaby as well. Do you know of a motel or hotel, or another similar shelter, where animals are allowed? Or, do you have friends or family where your kitty or pup will be allowed to stay? If necessary, research veterinary offices, boarding facilities, or other similar facilities out of harm's way, where your furbaby could be taken in the case of an emergency.

Emergency plans don't just relate to possible evacuations, though. For example, if you live in an area where tornadoes are a possibility, have a plan for where in the house both you and your furbabies can safely hunker down. Pick a safe room in the center of the house, for example, and have a plan for getting your kitty or pup there in a hurry. If needed, have leashes, carriers, or other necessary tools ready. Depending on where you live and what your situation is, always think ahead to how you will keep both your furbaby and yourself safe in an emergency situation.

One last comment we'll make on this topic is to, as needed and possible, practice your emergency plans. Make sure that everyone in your home knows the plan, and that everyone will know their part in the action. Doing a trial run or two can never hurt, to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that everything will run as smoothly as possible in an actual emergency.


pilch92 said...

Great shots of Astrid It looks like she is winking in the last one. I LOVE the drawing. Great tips too. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor Astrid! MOL And I LOVE that doodle! I need a secret closet for just my Halloween stuff. Heck, I need a whole ROOM of storage for my Halloween and Christmas!

messymimi said...

The expression on Astrid's face is priceless. Don't tell me dogs can't roll their eyes.

meowmeowmans said...

Haha! Astrid, you are so adorably expressive!

Eastside Cats said...
