Monday, March 23, 2020

Mancat Monday

Today, on this Mancat Monday, a certain orange boy is lamenting the state of our little home library.

That there bookshelf is the most high-traffic one in the house. That unfortunately means that books, and even random decor and other this and that, is often haphazardly placed on the bookshelf in a rush. This shelf is sometimes tidied up, but it never stays clean and organized for long. This here human really needs to remedy that, because the kitties are not impressed.

Happy Monday to all!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

I'm going to admit that you'll be seeing a number of flashback doodles over the next week or so. This is because the A to Z challenge is coming up in April, which of course starts next week. As always, my A to Z challenge will be coming in the form of doodles. The only problem is that life in general has gotten a bit crazy and so I've gotten more than a bit behind in prepping all of those A to Z doodles. So, in order to have time to get a better head start on the A to Z challenge, I'm going to mostly share flashback doodles over the next week or so. There will still be a brand new doodle to go with our Thursday poem, and of course for the Caturday Art blog hop, but other than that it'll be all flashback doodles for just a bit.

Luckily, I was perusing the doodles I shared last spring and came across a series of them that I completely forgot about. It's a series of doodles inspired by some relatively famous fairy tales. The first flashback doodle we're sharing from this series not only correlates well with Evan's bookish thoughts today, but is also the one we first shared exactly one year ago today. Does anyone remember this?

Tip of the Day

We're nearing the end of National Pet Poison Awareness Month, but we still have a couple more such tips to share with you all. Today's tip is about those pots and pans in your kitchen. Primarily, be cautious when using nonstick pans, such as those with Teflon, as heating these to high temperatures can lead to poisonous fumes for some pets. As many of you likely already know, this is primarily a concern when it comes to pet birds. Still, to be on the safe side, be careful when heating such pots and pans around any pets, especially those that are small. For that matter, also be careful with other similar kitchen items, such as aerosol cooking sprays and self-cleaning ovens, as it is not impossible for fumes from these to also pose dangers. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and simply do not use it.


Lone Star Cats said...

If you're unimpressed wif that Evan, ya don't wanna see the chaos here.

Eastside Cats said...

How well we know about Teflon pans; our in-laws lost a pet parrot to the chemicals given off! So sad, but not everyone knows...just like lilies can kill a cat, and chocolate is no good for dogs (in certain quantities).

The Island Cats said...

Well, maybe with all this self quarantining, the human will do something about the shelf.

pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie. I love that you have a library. Cute drawing of Belle. Great tips too. I am looking forward to the A-Z challenge.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy Mancat Monday, Evan!! We hope with all the extra time now, just maybe it will be organized soon. But there is no rush. Thanks for sharing the great doodle. Have a wonderful day and hope you are all staying safe.
World of Animals

messymimi said...

It looks like a typical, busy house over there. Hope you had a great Monday!