Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Caturday Art Cat-o'-Lantern

It's the first day of autumn. That means it's officially the season of Halloween. That means it's cat-o'-lantern season.

Truth be told, I meant to include an actual kitty friend for that cat-o'-lantern in this doodle. But, I was so excited to scribble up my first cat-o'-lantern of the year that I apparently forgot to include the actual kitty. The cat-o'-lantern counts as a kitty, though, right?

Happy Caturday, friends! And happy autumn!

Tip of the Day

Yesterday's tip discussed having rescue alert stickers posted at your home, to aid rescue workers in getting all of the animals at your home to safety in the event of an emergency at your house. Today's tip is to have a means of alerting rescuers that there are animals in need of care at your home in the event that something were to happen to you while you are away from home. For example, you could have a pet alert info card in your wallet or in your car, indicating the types and number of animals at your home in need of care should you, God forbid, be rendered unable to make it home to care for them as needed. It is never desirable to consider the possibility of such emergencies or disasters occurring, but it is nevertheless important to think ahead and plan ahead for your kitty, pup, or other companion animal's care in the event of any type of emergency.


Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We love the cat-o'-lantern!

pilch92 said...

Cute drawing and great tips.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We love cat-o'-lanterns! We still love and use the pillow your mom made :)

messymimi said...

Of course, it counts!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What great tips today and we love the kitty o lantern.

The J-Cats said...

The Cat-O-Lantern definitely counts as a cat (mol).