Friday, June 28, 2019

Friendly Fill-Ins and Photo Fails

Happy Friday, friends! And happy day of the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge! If you'd like to participate in this challenge, all you have to do is fill in some fill-ins. In case you missed the fill-in statements yesterday, I'll share them again below. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. Summer is a good time to _________.

2. The most recent _________ that I ________ was _________.

3. I thought I would grow out of _________, but I haven't.

4. I feel annoyed when people ask me _________.

As always, I filled these in myself, and you can find my answers below in bold.

1. Summer is a good time to stay indoors.
(Indoors is, after all, where the air conditioning is. Truth be told, when it's not something like a sauna outside, I do love a nice walk or other outdoor adventure. But, in the true heat of summer, I'd rather hole up in the air conditioned house with my furbabies.)

2. The most recent book that I added to my to-read list was a children's fantasy novel.
(Am I an adult? Maybe.)

3. I thought I would grow out of children's books, but I haven't.
(As I mentioned in #2 above, I have at least one children's novel on my to-read list. Actually, I have at least half a dozen children's novels on my lists of upcoming reads. I feel like a weird mixture of a child and an octogenarian stuck in a 30-year-old body, and it's the childlike side of me who still seeks out the same types of stories that my own childhood self enjoyed. When I've had my fill of heavier books aimed at adults, I'll switch over to something lighter, and that's usually a children's novel. They're almost always still novels with a couple or few hundred pages, but they're more light and fun. And don't worry, I do gravitate towards books that involve furry friends as characters, and the next book on the docket actually includes a cat character who is roughly the size of a building.)

4. I feel annoyed when people ask me if Evan is truly happy.
(I appreciate when anyone expresses compassion and care for my furbabies. But, a lot of people who find out I have a hind limb paralyzed cat automatically say something like, "Oh no, the poor thing. Does he really seem happy?" Again, I know people are just trying to be considerate to Evan. But, it still bothers me to be asked this sort of question about my running, playing, purring, cuddlebug of a momma's boy. I'm probably just being incredibly oversensitive and overprotective of my boy, but isn't that what moms are for?)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Are you ready for your Eddy fix? Even better, are you ready for your Eddy blooper fix? Today is, after all, this month's Pet Photo Fails! Blog Hop, hosted by Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

Today's Eddy bloopers are brought to you by treat time. Now, Eddy is not much of a treat eater. That being said, though, I recently discovered that if I get a very specific type of fishy flavored treats, Eddy will have her way with them almost every time. For some reason, I thought that would make treat time a great opportunity for a photo shoot. Because, you know, cats don't move while they're eating treats. Right? Right?!? Wrong.

You want to see the icing on the cake? I'm not even sure this next one could count as a blooper, because it's just that much of an incomprehensible disaster. See?

That is, believe it or not, an actual photo of Eddy. A lot of movement happened, and that monstrosity was the result. Needless to say, Eddy remains the blooper queen at our house.

We hope you all have a Friday filled with fun and lots of treats!

Doodle of the Day:

Yep, we have another bookish doodle. It just had to happen.

Did you know?
Did you know that roughly 10% of a cat's bones are located in their tail? It seems our fun cat facts are all about the feline skeletal structure these past couple days, but we'll just go with it. A cat's tail is like an extension of their spine, and it contains around 19 to 23 vertebrae. As you all very likely know, a cat uses its tail for everything from balance to communication. Cats can indeed live without tails, but for those cats who do have tails, some serious injuries to it could potentially lead to neurological or other issues. So, be careful with that tail!


Purrseiodn said...

Thank you for hosting today's blog..... Mom has tons of photo fails when it comes to Katsu and butterflies.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Staying indoors is the right thing to do when it's like an over outside :)

Love the doodle!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...


Cathy Kennedy said...


I think what people fail to realize is the alternative life Evan would have if he were in the wild with no one to care for him. In this case, Evan's life would be very short and yes one could conclude he had a miserable life but that's not the situation. He's an indoor kitty with all of his needs taken care of and has learned to adapt to his limitation like a purrson might except without the pity party.

Things are heating up here in the Tennessee Valley and it'll worse before it gets better with July just around the corner. Staying indoors with the AC on is definitely where I want to be, too.

Thanks for hosting the Friday fun. Have a good weekend!

messymimi said...

We don’t outgrow children’s books, or perhaps i mean we shouldn’t do so. Happy Friday!

Pam and Teddy said...

SOOOO many Fill-In Hoppers said the same about about staying inside in the summer...We're all smart! We know a good thing when we FEEL one. I like childrens books that have "messages" - something on a child's level that they can take away from the experience of reading the book or just flipping through the pages - it's the reason some years ago I wrote a book of fables for kids. I think they really "GET" those messages!!! HAPPY FRIDAY - love the Bloopers. Oh by the way, I think people forget that animals can live with an amazing array of challenges like Evan does and never bat an eye - they are "themselves" no matter what. His health is good, he's as happy as can be - what more can we ask from life?!

Love and Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

Eastside Cats said...

As I clean out my photo library, I am erasing a lot of bloopers...and there are A LOT! In the past, I'd just load whatever my camera had, and keep going, but now I'm trying to trim the huge amount of images. And I didn't know that my camera took burst photos; 40 images of my shoes? LOL!

Sandee said...

When it get very hot we tend to stay indoors too.

I'm guessing any kitty or pup would be happy living with you. You'd see to that.

Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. Such fun.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh I do love the treat photo fails, reminds me of a feline tux I know, MOL
Purrs and hope the really blurry one at the end didnt result in any injuries to the staff ;)

World of Animals, Inc said...

Great friendly fill-in answers. We are staying indoors today cause the summertime heat is really high. Evan not happy. Everytime we see him on your posts he is having the time of his life. Thanks for sharing Eddy's blooper reel of fails. Too funny. Have a great upcoming weekend.
World of Animals

pilch92 said...

Great fill-in answers. I think it is good to still please your inner child. I like to watch kid shows like Vampirina even when my great niece is not with me. Whatever makes you happy :) That is a rude question about Evan. You are an excellent kitty mom and know your boy better than anyone. And he is clearly happy. Eddy is indeed the queen of bloopers. Cute drawing and great tail information. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! Does Eddy dance while she eats? The last book TW read was Ellen's book about Emmy. She hasn't read an adult book in years. People always ax TW why she didn't abandon me cos I bite.

Cathy Keisha said...

BTW, I can't hook up to the blog hop. I keep getting error messages.

The Florida Furkids said...

Great Fill-ins. We think animals adapt to physical challenges because they have no choice and don't think anything is wrong with them.

MOL @ the blooper photo!!

The Florida Furkids

ps - we can't link up either.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Pawsome bloopers and art! Totally agree on #1, and how rude on #4!

Lone Star Cats said...

I think my momma is the only one who likes it really hot, MOL!