Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tonks Tuesday

Tonks always enjoys a nap on Blanket Mountain.

This is actually a pretty dismal Blanket Mountain. Tonks much prefers when the mountain's peak consists of more like 5 blankets, but this here human was rude enough to actually claim a couple of blankets for herself this time around. Humans can be so greedy.

Happy Tuesday, friends!


Flashback Doodle of the Day

Today's flashback doodle is one I created this same time last year. Just as is the case this year, by the time August rolled around last year I was ready for autumn and Halloween. So, I scribbled up some doodles to express that.


Tip of the Day

Angel Rosie may be doing some painting in the flashback doodle above, but, as you all certainly know, not all paint is safe for cats and dogs to be around. In fact, some paints can be dangerous to all species in general. John Hopkins University performed a study that concluded that it's possible for one single can of paint to contain 300 toxic chemicals and 150 carcinogens. Some paints contain chemicals that are toxic to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and other systems of the body. Of course, this can all depend on the type of paint, what solvent and other chemicals it contains, and so on and so forth. Unless you have done research and are positive that a paint is a type that is generally safe and pet-friendly, keep your kitty or pup away from it. Some paints are more dangerous when ingested, and others are potentially hazardous just to be inhaled. So, when in any sort of doubt, keep paint well out of your furbaby's reach.

The above being said, there are some paints that could be considered pet-friendly, and some of them can even be used to create paw print art or to simply use around your kitty or pup. There are even companies out there that specifically formulate paint to be pet-friendly. In order to be considered pet-friendly, paints cannot contain heavy metals, harmful solvents, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and a variety of other compounds that could be considered dangerous. Water-based paints that are odor-free are a good place to start, but before using a paint around your cat or dog, a bit more research should always be done to ensure it contains nothing hazardous.


The Island Cats said...

Tooks looks like she doesn’t have any complaints. :)

messymimi said...

Even one blanket can make a small mountain, if you tousel it up right!

meowmeowmans said...

Hi Tonks! Any blanket mountain is a good blanket mountain. Well, that what Gracie and Ava say, anyway.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

We think Tonks looks blanketless! How could you?!?! ;)

AngelicClowder said...

Tonks these look like the best blankets ever