Friday, September 1, 2023

A Birthday Bash and Friendly Fill-Ins

I'm going to kick this post off with something special. And that is...

Happy Birthday, my angels Sammy and Rosie!

I will forever be grateful for every second of time I had with my sweet childhood kitties. Sadly, Sammy passed away from an undetected heart condition at the age of 5, when I was 9 years old. Rosie, however, lived to 21 years old. She was with me from the time I was 4 until I was 26. These two dear kitties were and always will be some of the greatest friends and companions I'll ever know in my life.

So, again, Happy Heavenly Birthday, Sammy and Rosie! I hope you're celebrating your amazing lives up there just as much as I'm celebrating you down here. You will never be forgotten, my sweet angels.


And now we're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. We'd love for you to join us! My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is _________.

2. If I won tickets to _________, I would give them away.

3. I think that those who _________ should _________.

4. When it comes to telling stories, I _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is pretty much any pet supplies.
(I'd be happy winning my kitties' or pup's food, treats, medications, or really anything they use regularly. I'd even be happy winning toys or other fun goodies for them. Anything that makes their life great would be a win to me.)

2. If I won tickets to any big event, I would give them away.
(I'm not a huge fan of big, loud, rambunctious events. It's just not my kind of thing. I've been to a couple of concerts in my life, and while I enjoyed them for the music, they were also a bit too loud and rowdy at times for me. I'm more than fine enjoying my entertainment in quieter settings, like my house. Call me boring, because that's exactly what I am.)

3. I think that those who abuse animals should face significant punishment.
(I typed out a more elaborate explanation, but I have trouble remaining kind when speaking about animal abusers. So, I'll leave further detail to the imagination.)

4. When it comes to telling stories, I am better with written words than spoken words.
(I have some family members who stand in front of a crowd and tell a tale like they're on a stage giving a talented performance. I absolutely cannot do that. My conversational skills, and sometimes just my verbal communication skills in general, are nothing to write home about. That said, while I still have a ton of room for improvement, I do enjoy and think I'm somewhat decent at stories I can physically write.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Who's ready for their Eddy fix? You are? Well, lucky for you, we've got just what you need.

Eddy was only slightly annoyed by the fogginess of the window. It's been so humid here lately, that most mornings the windows are just covered in fog and water. The kitties don't really appreciate the barrier that provides to their snoopervising skills, but they make do.

Happy Friday, friends!

Tip of the Day

I apologize to anyone who does not yet wish to unofficially begin autumn. For me, though, September 1st marks the day when I can really start celebrating my favorite season of the year. That's why, starting today, we'll be doing a series of tips on pet safety during the season of autumn.

Since the fall semester of school is starting up for students, that's what our autumnal tip for today relates to. If any students live in your home with your furbabies, be sure that care is taken to keep your kitties or pups safe from any rampant school supplies. Pens, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, tape, scissors, and any and all sorts of school supplies could potentially pose a risk if left where a furbaby can turn them into a toy or snack. Ingested erasers or other supplies, for example, can result in gastrointestinal upset or even perforated or obstructed bowels. Obviously, this is not ideal, and so school supplies should be tucked safely away, out of the reach of cats and dogs. Keep this in mind throughout the school year as well. Backpacks, for example, might contain some of the aforementioned potentially dangerous school supplies, or even lunches or snacks that contain hazardous ingredients. Therefore, again, be sure to keep all such school items well out of reach of your furbaby. What do we always say? It's better to be safe than sorry.


Yvonne said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to Sammy and Rosie!

Great close ups of Eddy!

Great fill ins. I agree with all of them. Have a great weekend!

Eastside Cats said...

Eddy, we need to see your other side, so we get the benefit of your toof!
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Angels Sammy and Rosie.

pilch92 said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to your angels. Rosie and Sammy. I enjoyed all your answers and I agree with #3. Great shots of Eddy. And excellent tips. My great-nieces kitties find everything and now their baby brother is crawling all over and finds everything too. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Wishing your babies a purrfect day at the Bridge. Foggy windows are very annoying, Mudpie says. I went to a lot of (rather sedate) country music concerts years ago, but now not only is there no one around I care to see, I don't think I could handle the crowds anymore! Love your answer to #4. My suggestions would be blog friendly either.

messymimi said...

I think it hits a nerve with almost all of us, the topic of animal abuse.

Thanks for the Eddy fix!

meowmeowmans said...

We're here to get our Eddy fix. Looking good, Eddy!

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Sammy and Rosie! XO

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to Angel's Sammy and Rosie!

Furbulous close-ups of Eddy! (We missed the fang today)

Terrific fill-ins and the P.A. says snap on #2 and #4, wishing mew all a fantastic Sunday!