Way back in early February, Ellen and her adorable crew over at
15andmeowing received the One Lovely Blog Award. And yesterday, Annie and Pierrot over at
Annie's House announced that they also earned it. Two very deserving blogs, if you ask me!
Ellen, as well as Annie and Pierrot, invited anyone who wants to participate in this award to do so. The rules are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog in the post.
2. Copy the rules and add the blog award badge as an image.
3. Share 7 facts about yourself to your fellow bloggers.
4. Then nominate up to 15 people.
Thank you for this, Ellen and Annie and Pierrot! I love that this award encourages us to share a little bit about ourselves. I always love learning more about my fellow bloggers, and I immensely enjoyed reading the facts that Ellen shared about herself and her cats, and the fun facts that Annie and Pierrot shared about themselves. So, especially since I had such fun learning more about all of them, I decided to take Ellen and Annie and Pierrot up on their offers and to participate in this award by sharing some fun facts with all of you.
And so, I've scrounged up seven facts to share with you. First and foremost, I'm sharing a fact about each of my furbabies. And then, last, are a couple facts about myself. So, here they are:
1. Angel Rosie's favorite flavor of baby food was ham. In her geriatric years, we administered most of her oral medications by hiding them in baby food, and she was almost certain to get every last bit if they were given in ham baby food.
2. Astrid's tail didn't have its characteristic curl when my sister and I first rescued her. She kept her tail straight for weeks, and then one day she just decided to reveal that her tail is in fact curly!
3. When I first brought Evan home as a kitten, I warned my family members to keep their hands to themselves and to never let him near their faces. After all, after being dumped outside the clinic where I worked as an injured, semi-feral kitten, Evan's razor sharp teeth quickly earned him the nicknames of Shark and Alligator. Back then, I thought that he would never be the kind of cat you could pet, hold, or cuddle much, if at all. (Turns out I was very, very wrong. My momma's boy now loves to snuggle and sleeps by my face every single night.)
4. Thimble loves to look at her own reflection. She'll jump onto the bathroom counter and perch herself in front of the mirror there for long periods of time. And she'll also get on top of the fish tank just to gaze at herself in the mirror hanging on the wall behind the tank. She's also not above staring at reflections of herself in glass doors and windows.
5. Eddy came to me with the name Daya. I renamed her Eddy because, during the adoption process, the rescue group warned me that her head tilt sometimes caused her to spin in circles. An eddy is a whirlpool, and so I was just twisted enough to name my spinning kitty Eddy. (Although her head tilt is still present, Eddy no longer spins in circles.)
6. Although I love to draw and muddle my way through all sorts of arts and crafts, I despise painting. This probably has something to do with the fact that I'm terrible at it.
7. I love to read, and my favorite book genre is fantasy. Of course, fantasy with cute animal characters is the best of the best!

Like Ellen and Annie and Pierrot, I want to invite anyone who would like to participate in this award to please do so. Or, even if you just want to share some fun facts about yourselves with us, please do! I know I'm not the only one who loves learning more about you fellow bloggers out there.
Happy Friday! And, of course, a very happy birthday to Mo over at the
Cat Blogosphere!
Our Tip of the Day:
Although it's a popular game to play, be cautious and cognizant when using a laser light as a toy for your furbaby, and I don't just mean because of possible damage to the eyes. It is true that both dogs and cats may indeed enjoy playing with the laser light, but also keep in mind that playing with something yet not being able to feel the accomplishment of actually catching it can ultimately frustrate your furbaby. As predators, cats and dogs instinctively feel a desire to catch their prey, and if it (the laser light, in this case) always ultimately vanishes and evades capture, that can become quite discouraging for the animal. If your cat or dog seems to genuinely enjoy playing with the laser light, perhaps consider doing this for short amounts of time, and then end the game by throwing some treats where the laser light is last seen so that your furbaby can feel as if they did indeed catch a reward. Or, try a different yet similar game, such as using a wand toy with your cat or a simple ball or frisbee with your dog.