Monday, November 20, 2017

Mancat Monday

Thanksgiving may be this Thursday here in the United States, but it already feels like Christmas sort of weather here in our part of the world.

It's been cold and wet, with rain and even some snow flurries. Evan and the other kitties around here don't mind one bit, though, because they stay inside where it's warm, where there are blankets and laps to keep them cozy. Or, sometimes it's even fun to just gaze out the window and watch the rain and snowflakes fall.

The view would be even better if it looked a little like this, don't you think?

Ten Days of Tortie: Day 2

That is indeed our second installment in the Ten Days of Tortie series. We have more of these lovely lady cats in store for you, and we hope you enjoy them!

Now, we usually participate in the wonderful Sparks blog hop, hosted by Annie of McGuffy's Reader. But, this week we're going to have to postpone or contribution. Why? Because our internet went out this weekend. The human here had to run to her parents' house to quickly mooch off of their internet in order to complete this post. We failed to select a quote for our Sparks earlier, and we don't want to rush it now. We'll post our Sparks within the next couple of days, though!

We wish you all a magnificent Monday!

Our Tip of the Day:
We've been talking about what foods on the Thanksgiving dinner table may or may not be healthy for your furbaby to taste. Today, we'll switch it up a bit and talk about food more geared toward our kitties or pups. If you would like your furbaby to be able to enjoy their own little Thanksgiving goodies that are more assuredly safe for them, then consider selecting dog or cat treats in festive flavors. For example, grab some moist food or treats in flavors such as turkey or pumpkin. In addition, you might be able to find specially made Thanksgiving treats, such as dog cookies in the shape of traditional Thanksgiving foods. Just the other day we saw on none other than Etsy some dog treats that are safe yet are shaped and decorated like turkey drumsticks, mashed potatoes with butter on top, noodles, and other such Thanksgiving goodies. Some pet stores might sell treats such as these as well. Or, you can try your hand at making your own Thanksgiving treats for your kitty or pup, just as long as you are certain the ingredients are safe. Of course, still feed any such treats in moderation!


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Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is much better to be inside looking out, Evan. I love the cute drawing.

pilch92 said...

Sorry you are having internet troubles. Evan looks handsome, as always. Very cute tortie drawing. Great tip too, that is the safest way for pets to enjoy the holidays.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we have been having the same cold weather and we are not happy about it! catchatwithcarenandcody

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That looks like Mudpie the Vermonter!!! LOVE IT. We love the chilly cuddle weather too :)

Sandee said...

Aww, so adorable. I linked this post to Awww Mondays. I do it for Marg at Margs Animals too.

I'll await your Spark.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitty. ☺

Kathe W. said...

Sweet ginger cat! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

Marg said...

Evan, it looks like you are happy to be inside. That is a great drawing of a tortie cat. Hope you all stay warm and have a good Monday.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...look good two day buddy; N make sure when yur window gazin yur lookin at any thing but burd ~~ ☺☺♥♥

The Island Cats said...

It's best to be looking at the cold or rain or snow from the inside. :)

Anonymous said...

It has been really miserable here. We have had so much rain, I am starting to think I am a duck!