Monday, June 17, 2019

Mancat Monday

Evan had grand plans for a phenomenal photo shoot, but then the sun came out and he simply couldn't leave its confines. That's why today you all get to see him bathing in sunshine, shadows, and overexposure.

We hope you all have a Monday as sunny as Evan's!

Doodle of the Day:

Did you know?
Did you know that a cat leaving their urine or feces uncovered in the litter box, or in the wild, is sometimes a sign of dominance? Cats can indeed be a territorial species, and urine or feces is sometimes used to prove a point. Cats who are dominant might leave their urine or feces on full display for others to see and smell, as a sign of their status and territory. On the other hand, subordinate cats are more likely to bury their urine or feces. Of course, the tendency to bury their excrement could also relate to a cat's preference for cleanliness, but dominance and territorialism could also play a part.

Would it be rude if we asked you a question about your litter box? Hopefully not, because we're curious. Does your cat bury their urine and feces? Or do they leave it on display for all to see?


Pam and Teddy said...

Evan those sunpuddles show off your ginger fur quite nicely and I know you are enjoying them a lot. I sure do!

Hugs, Teddy

The Island Cats said...

Evan, send some of that sun our way. We've had nothing but rain and clouds for the past few days.

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Enjoy sweet Evan! Well that explains about litter box habits in our house! I thought the kitties who left it uncovered were lazy - dominance makes more sense.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Well, Evan, this still turned out to be a great photo shoot.

edie said...

I only have one cat right now, but i had 3 a couple of years ago, they all buried #1 and #2. My lone cat does enjoy kicking the litter out of the box as far as he can. :)

pilch92 said...

Evan is a cutie, he looks comfy. Nice drawing too. Most of my cats cover, but once in a while I see one that is not covered. My Angel Stinky never covered which is how she got her name :)

Eastside Cats said...

Evan, can you spare some sunpuddles for us? We haven't seen any in days and days! *sob*
Da Boyz are so good about covering their stuff, and so is Angel.

messymimi said...

Evan, don’t get a sunburn! (Yes, my understanding is that even cats can get sun damage to their skin, but mostly i’m joking, i know you won’t let that happen).

All of our cats used to cover everything, then Tripod SissyCat got dumped on us. She is missing a front leg, and so she could not cover her mess. It was sad and funny to watch her stand on her three legs and try to use the muscles to move the leg that was not there to cover everyting.

Anyway, once that started to happen, Mikey, who is her sworn enemy and demands to be dominant in the house, started to leave all of his messes uncovered while covering hers. Yes, it can be very much territorial and dominance related!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Looking good, Evan!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Looks like a purrfect photo shoot to us, Evan!

The Swiss Cats said...

That's a wonderful sunpuddle, Evan, we understand why you didn't want to move ! Purrs

Robin said...

That looks like the perfect sun puddle, Evan! I hope you enjoyed it and got a great nap in. As for the litter box question, both of my kitties bury their poop. Manna, however, doesn't try nearly as hard as Dexter does. He digs to China.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Evan you really look so happy in that warm sunshine little friend.