Friday, November 15, 2019

Friendly Fill-Ins

Hello, friends! Who's ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins? If you'd like to participate, I'll share the fill-in statements again below. Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I have been _________ for _________.

2. Have you _________?

3. I always _________ this time of year.

4. The world could use more _________.

I filled these in myself, and my answers are below in bold.

1. I have been an animal lover for three decades.
(I'm three decades old, and I've loved animals for all three of them. I was blessed with a childhood filled with furry friends, as well as friends with feathers and fins.)

2. Have you cuddled a cat today?
(If not, you need to get right on that.)

3. I always feel festive this time of year.
(The last quarter of the year is by far my favorite. I enjoy Halloween and all it offers, and then I do the same with Christmas, all the way through the Twelve Days of Christmas, which actually begin on Christmas Day. Once I could finally bring myself to put my Halloween decor away last week, I was suddenly in the major Christmas spirit. I've already started decking the halls, watching festive films on the TV, and all that festive jazz. Doodling in my sketchbook also makes me feel incredibly festive, because this time of year I feel inspired to doodle all sorts of holiday things. Tomorrow's Caturday Art doodle is even a mashup of the three major holidays in the last quarter of the year.)

4. The world could use more unconditional love.
(We really could learn a thing or two from our furry friends, unconditional love being one of those things.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Can you believe that your Eddy fix today isn't blurry? It is, however, an extreme closeup.

Doesn't Eddy have such a lovely tabby stripe and fur and whiskers? It should be obvious that she does, with a shot that up close and personal.

Eddy and all of us here are wishing you a happy Friday!

Doodle of the Day: Flashback Friday

I was going through last year's November doodles and discovered the one below. I feel like I had a particular reason for drawing this one, but now I can't remember what that reason was, and I made no comments on it when I posted it last year. Either way, though, it sort of sums up the vibes I'm feeling today. After all, it's one of those brisk autumn days when you just need to cuddle up with some kitties and enjoy some hot cocoa and a good book.

Tip of the Day

A discussion on Thanksgiving dinner foods would not be complete without noodles, would it? If noodles are part of your holiday meal, it could likely be considered safe to feed your furbaby a small amount of plain noodles. Noodles can be a good source of energy in the form of carbohydrates, but of course they are best enjoyed in moderation for your furbaby. That being said, as always, also do consider any ingredients added the noodles. As we've indicated in many previous tips, refrain from feeding your pup or kitty noodles that include garlic or onion, for example, or that include any fatty or other sauces that might lead to gastrointestinal upset, pancreatitis, or other issues. So, if your furbaby fancies a taste of pasta, as long as it's plain, they can enjoy that little taste.


messymimi said...

Cats have been cuddled, and your Eddy is cute from any angle!

CAAC said...


I agree with you, the world can use a lot more unconditional love! Your thought is similar to what I came up with for this fill-in. Your sketch is so cute and autum-ish. I can't believe we're in the holiday season again. I love this time of the year and I find it a challenge at times to not meld the Thanksgiving and Christmas into one but they do go together. I'm very thankful for Christ's birth, life, and death. If it weren't for His scarfice then the world would be filled with great hopelessness. He is our hope, our salvation! Have a blessed day, my dear!

Purrseidon said...

Ms. Lorianne, thank you for hosting this blog hop. I haven't cuddled Katsu yet today, but I've cuddled Tallie. And yes, the world needs more unconditional love.

Sandee said...

Love all your fill-ins, especially the last one.

Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly fill-ins. Such a wonderful thing to do each week.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

Eddy is adorable; I agree!
The world needs more laughter too; so much unhappiness and being serious. Love and laughter would move us forward; I'm sure of it!

Yvonne said...

Great answers! Yes, all cats have been cuddled (and fed too!)

Have a great weekend!

Cathy Keisha said...

We never heard of noodles for Thanksgiving but TW is off so there's that.
Love your answers. We don't take down the Halloweens decorations until after Thanksgiving since pumpkins are actually Thanksgiving decor too. We just take down the witches and ghosts and put out the turkey decor.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Love the close-up and your fill-in answers!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

pilch92 said...

I love all your answers. I have been a pet lover for 5 decades- I am so old.
And I am with you, the last 3 months of the year are my favorite by far.
Cute drawing and adorable photo of Eddy. Have a great weekend! XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Ooh I need to make some cocoa this weekend. Completely agree on every answer...the answer to #2 is I'm doing it right now, and I have one decade on you when it comes to loving cats :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

TBT: Such thoughtful answers...

We answered these elsewhere, but that doesn't mean we only had one thought for each. So, new ones...

1. I have been "with cats" for all but 3 years in college.

2. Have you every cooked food just for your cats?

3. I always plant pansies this time of year.

4. The world could use more daylight in Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.